
acegrube wrote on 2/2/2000, 11:52 PM
I failed to realize that Lynx only supports 24/96 through
it's digital ins. Still trying to record at 24/48 is
causing problems, pops and crackles. I'm waiting to hear
back from the Lynx dudes. They've been real good w/support
so far.

Anyone else out there using a Lynx. If so how do you like
it? I have about 10 days left on a thirty try before you
buy deal. If this isn't fixed quick it's going back.



karlc wrote on 2/3/2000, 7:55 AM
Any chance it could be something besides the sound card? Have you
tried taking your video card out of the loop by minnimizing Vegas
while recording? We had a similar problem with clicks and pops that
was caused by the video subsytem. Just thought I'd mention it ...
please ignore if you've already checked that out.

KAC ...

Erich Grube wrote:
>>I failed to realize that Lynx only supports 24/96 through
>>it's digital ins. Still trying to record at 24/48 is
>>causing problems, pops and crackles.