
BillyBoy wrote on 11/4/2003, 4:24 PM
Edit Account
scotty_dvc80 wrote on 11/4/2003, 4:53 PM
WOW!!!! lol.. I want to condemn .........ooopppsss.. I mean commend you for your restraint Billyboy... ROFLMAO.. I couldnt resist commenting
Good boy, Billyboy ; )
BillyBoy wrote on 11/4/2003, 6:15 PM
I was just my benevolentness nature. <wink>
alfredsvideo wrote on 11/5/2003, 3:35 PM
Thanks guys, but for some unexplained reason, "Edit Account" had disappeared from my page. REALLY!!
TomG wrote on 11/5/2003, 3:39 PM
Are you logged in under your account?
Jsnkc wrote on 11/5/2003, 3:55 PM
He must be or he wouldn't be able to post anything
Grazie wrote on 11/5/2003, 4:10 PM
TomG - R U logged in under your account name? Come to that am I?!?! OMG! I've been virtualized - arrrggghhh . .. .

TomG wrote on 11/5/2003, 4:26 PM
Maybe he found a "back door"!!!!!! Could this be Wargames (The Movie) ???????
BillyBoy wrote on 11/5/2003, 4:30 PM
That can mean the "cookie" crumbled. Hehehe. I had that happen right after I got a 'Windows recovered from a serious error' message when booting and then the Edit Account didn't show until I manually logged in again, otherwise you don't have to log in manually. Do you see a prompt to log in? If so, try that. Once you are officially logged in the edit account prompt should come back.
alfredsvideo wrote on 11/6/2003, 3:29 PM
The next day was fine. It just happened to be that I was unlucky to want to update my account just on the day that there was a glitch in the system. One of those unexplained things I suppose. Sorry to waste any bandwidth.