>The email is confusing because the top link says $199, and the bottom link says $249
Both the links in mine say $249 - taking either link takes me to a page stating the upgrade is $249. I can't find any mention of promo codes or anything........
I had to type the promo code from the URL into the box in the shopping cart to get the $199 even though when I clicked "Buy now" the price said $199. So the link must be messed up. If you see keycode= in your URL when you first click the email, grab that number and use it in the shopping cart keycode field.
>Dude, are you a registered Vegas+DVDA user from ver. 4?
Certainly! Actually, I looked at the email source HTML and found a keycode so I'm going to try that when I get home (I don't have the serial number here with me) to see if that causes the price to change.