New features are terrific an needed to compete in todays marketplace. For instance, a render farm might be more usefull than direct hardware support especially if processes are scalable. (More computers = faster renders) we shall see.
There are some basics that I hope will be addresed, Ripple Edit (I have been complaining about it since V2 and still am), students who have mouse control difficulties dislike the looping region function and fade to/from black on a clip.
Track level controls are good, but I wish certain track level controls would be available on the clip level as well. Especially, volume control.
Basically, I am asking for some housekeeping in V5 as well as the new features that everyone is excited about.
Good luck to the Sony team and I look forward to V-5 or Pro or whatever it will be called
There are some basics that I hope will be addresed, Ripple Edit (I have been complaining about it since V2 and still am), students who have mouse control difficulties dislike the looping region function and fade to/from black on a clip.
Track level controls are good, but I wish certain track level controls would be available on the clip level as well. Especially, volume control.
Basically, I am asking for some housekeeping in V5 as well as the new features that everyone is excited about.
Good luck to the Sony team and I look forward to V-5 or Pro or whatever it will be called