VASST FasstApps plug-ins updated for Movie Studio 15 are available

JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/19/2018, 10:45 AM

Installers updated for Movie Studio 15.0

I just wanted to let the community know that the installers for all of our VASST FasstApps plug-ins have been updated to recognize Movie Studio 15.0 so if you have a PC with only Movie Studio 15.0 on it they will install properly.

The updated installers can be found on the Download page of our web site. 

Just download the new one and install it over the old one. They will automatically uninstall the old before installing thew new version. The software itself hasn't changed, just the installers were updated to locate Movie Studio 15 so if you are up and running already on Movie Studio 15 with your FasstApps because you already had them installed from a previous version, then there is no need to re-install.

Grand Re-opening

We also reopened our store so that you can now purchase our FasstApps plug-ins once again. We are using Digital River as our shopping cart so when you place an item in your cart you will be taken to a Digital River page to purchase it. This allows us to accept more forms of payments in more currencies than we could have on our own.

For those who might not know, FasstApps are script plug-ins for Movie Studio that increase your productivity by automating a lot of the repetitive workflows that take up time during editing. There are also Movie Looks and Lower Thirds. They are priced at only $12.95 which makes them very affordable.

If you have any issues, feel free to contact us at: support [at] vasst [dot] com.

Thanks for all of your support over the years,



Former user wrote on 9/20/2018, 8:20 AM

@JohnnyRoy , I didn't use your links, just did a search and I came up with this. You might want to clear these pages.

Jillian_A wrote on 9/20/2018, 6:03 PM


Thanks Johnny. I can't imagine completing a project without using Audio and Audit Assistant and Time Warp when required.

What we really need now is a Vasst 3D titler, something like Buff Titler basic, for about $50 and a guarantee it would be updated with each new version of Vegas & Movie Studio. Unlike some of the title programs that have been offered as extras then disappear with upgrades.

Keep up the great work.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/21/2018, 10:01 AM

@JohnnyRoy , I didn't use your links, just did a search and I came up with this. You might want to clear these pages.

@Former user Wow, good catch. It was so much work to update the entire site that I remember doing the all of the productivity apps and the first few Cinema Looks and then calling it a night. When I came back the next day, I must have set up the shopping cart for the remainder and forgot to update the link from our site. Thats why only the first Cinema Look has the correct link.

Good catch. I will get that fixed when I'm back in the office. THANKS!