veg file not recognized v. 7

tas9195 wrote on 3/20/2009, 10:04 PM
I was working on a file. Saved it. I had to leave so I shut the computer down. Came back home and opened vegas(7), and it said last time it didn't save correctly. I said yes to open it and it did. Had to leave again without doing anything so I just closed vegas. Now the computer doesn't know how to open them. Basically the files don't have the icon next to them anymore. What happened and how do I getit back? [IMG][/IMG]


tas9195 wrote on 3/20/2009, 10:05 PM
tried to add a pic to help but it didn't work
AtomicGreymon wrote on 3/20/2009, 10:20 PM
It looks as if your file assocations could be messed up. If you right click on the *.veg file, there should be an option for you to tell Windows what program to use to open the file... and you can make sure you select for windows to always use that program for that file type.

As for the incorrect save, I guess if Vegas saved the restored version prior to your closing it and leaving the second time, your project should be okay. Always make sure you go in and save immediately, though, when restoring after an incorrect/corrupt save.
tas9195 wrote on 3/20/2009, 10:41 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. Weird thing I can open the file but the icon still isn't there as if windows doesn't associate vegas with that file. I have tried doing what you said and when the box opens it shows it is associated with vegas but the veg file still doesn't show the vegas icon
farss wrote on 3/20/2009, 11:30 PM
"Always make sure you go in and save immediately, though, when restoring after an incorrect/corrupt save. "

I'll add to that, Save As an incremented version number e.g. xxx-01.veg, xxx-02.veg. Project files are small!
I typically increment the current version number every day if not more often. I've probably had to go to a previous version once in years but we all know about Murphy.
