Vegas 10.d crashes on Audio FX

Melachrino wrote on 5/7/2011, 9:59 AM
Vegas Pro 10 in general and now Vegas Pro 10.d crashes when applying Graphic FX Equalization. Vegas 9 does not exhibit this problem.
Select audio track, invoke GraphicFX Equalization, adjust frequency levels, review in playback, accept ok, Vegas crashes and shows message box "Vegas Stopped Working" with a report request from Sony Creative.
Sent one report on Vegas Pro 10.c, which suggested to update to 10.d
Now sent a report on 10.d
Any pertinent useful suggestions (other than going back to Vegas 9.0) ?.


ChristoC wrote on 5/7/2011, 3:04 PM
That is odd; Graphic EQ works perfectly here, whether applied in Track Channel, Master Channel or Event; or all 3!
Are you using some 'peculiar' file type? What are the properties of the files you are using?
Melachrino wrote on 5/7/2011, 5:53 PM
I am using standard m2t High Definition files.
Other users of 10.c are reporting the same problems. (Check Windows 7 section).
I filed a problem report via email before but the answer from Sony Creative was not effective.
I checked my Vegas 9.0 again and it works flawlessly but Vegas 10 crashes. Reinstalled, restarted, no joy.

pwppch wrote on 5/7/2011, 9:08 PM
If you create a simple project with just a wave file on the time line, does the problem occur?

What I want to determine if it is related to the media type you are using, or something that is system related.

Melachrino wrote on 5/8/2011, 7:02 PM
Hi Peter,

I loaded a simple wav file in Vegas Pro 10.d.
Selected it, invoked Non Real Time Effects, Express Grahics FX, adjusted a few frequencies amplitudes, reviewed, accepted and selected OK. Save panel opened up, accepted entry (take 2) and clicked Save. Error panel and report request came up informing that Vegas had stopped working ...
Hope this helps.
pwppch wrote on 5/9/2011, 5:11 PM
So your problem is always about non realtime fx?

Melachrino wrote on 5/10/2011, 10:09 AM
"So your problem is always about non realtime fx?"

At this time, yes. I have not yet done an intensive project on Vegas 10, now 10.d , to excersize other parameters.

I should note that on 10a and b, on the Non Realtime FX window, the preview buttons did not show up. Now on 10d they do and operate as before. But, as indicated, Vegas crashes when the take is saved.

Thanks for looking into this.
imac wrote on 5/10/2011, 8:40 PM
same here.
was completely broken in 10a (i think)

now it crashes in a larger arrangement, but usually works if i do it as the only file in a new veg

it's always crashed now and then for some versions now, notably if i select a location to save the new file. so for a long time now i will save in the default location so as to minimise chance of crash (after spending 10 minutes drawing autotune on the file!)
Deja View wrote on 6/11/2011, 11:19 AM
Did you ever resolve this render/save problem?
The same thing is happening to me.

Audio Effect Problem with Vegas Pro 10.0d (build 670) 64 bit.

When applying a non-real-time audio (Sony) plug-in. This happens on two (2) Win 7 computers running Vegas Pro 10.0d (build 670) 64 bit. This does not happen on Win XP running Vegas 6. Audio files preview effects and renders/saves perfectly.

When I drop an audio .wav file on timeline and apply a non-real-time audio effect, it previews just fine. But when I render/save the effect, it either crashes the entire program, or hangs on the render percentage screen. (simple effect such as volume boost or higher effect such as time stretch)

I got the problem fixed-partially by doing this..
Under preferences, I changed the "audio device", default driver from "Microsoft Sound Mapper" to "Windows Classic Wave Driver.
This eliminated the problem for minimal effect amounts, < 200%. for time stretch for example. Crashed on greater effect percentage.

Now here's the real rub... When I checked my older Win XP running Vegas 6,that renders and saves perfectly, its default setting was "Microsoft Sound Mapper". No problem. Any file name save, any location, any degree of effect.

So this points to an issue with Vegas 10.

I am running Vegas Pro 10 on Win7 Professional,
I-7 Core, 12 gb ram...…plenty fast system.

Any help most appreciated.

Jake Redman wrote on 6/23/2011, 10:41 PM
This is happening to me too, particularly with Speakerphone 2.0 and a few other audio chains when applying non realtime fx.

The problem seemed to get better with 10b, far worse with 10c and slightly better with 10d. Still a huge problem though. I've been using Vegas since "Vegas Audio" and this is by far the buggiest.

Would love to find a solution for this...The time consumed restarting the program over and over is killing me slowly.
pwppch wrote on 6/24/2011, 8:34 AM
We are aware of this problem. It will be adressed in a future update.
