Hi guys,
yes, i have signed up for the Beta by immediately purchasing and installing Vegas 10 as opposed to waiting for a few updates. However, i'm only installing on my laptop to get familiar not my main system.
I'm upgrading from Vegas 4.0e. The first thing I tried to do, this morning, is open up a Mpeg2 video file and the accompanying audio, ac3 file, in Vegas 10. Both files were created in Vegas 4.0e and open/closed in Vegas 4.0e fine. However, only the Mpg2 video opens in Vegas 10. The ac3 audio file brings about an "unsupported" error message. So, that's basically it. The reason i.m confused.
Final, note I opened up both files (the Mpg2 and the ac3) is DVDA 5.2 with no problems...so does this mean I really can't open my video project (with the ac3 file) in Vegas 10 and adjust fades and whatnot? Lastly, I opened a regular Wave file in Vegas 10 and then saved that Wave as an ac3 studio. Then I tried to open the newly saved ac3 studio file in Vegas 10 and it says "unsupported." Then i tried to save that Wave as an ac3 Pro file. Vegas 10 saved it as an ac3 fine. However, when I tried to open the newly saved ac3 Pro file in Vegas 10 and it says "unsupported." So Vegas 10a wouldn't open either of the ac3 files that it had just saved.
I'm sure there is a simple solution so if someone could give me a more complete understanding. Much appreciated.
system: Windows Vista Service Pack 2
1.5 Intel® Core™2 Duo processor
2gb ram