vegas 12 with cineform avi

fordie wrote on 9/27/2012, 12:46 PM
Hi, just tried the demo of vegas 12 and I placed a large cineform avi file onto the timeline. clip properties are 1920x1080 25p progressive medium quality.

This clip plays back fine in Vegas 10e ( best full) but Vegas 12 plays back dropping frames then freezes and crashes Vegas 12... this is repeatable.
my system specs are

intel i7 ivybridge at 4.3 Ghz
windows 7 64 bit
intel HD4000 GPU

Can anyone else please check out cineform with the latest release, thanks john


Serena wrote on 9/27/2012, 10:30 PM
v12 runs the same cineform clip with more effort than v10 and v11, but no other problems with a short clip (filmscan 1). This might be the usual hangup whenever Vegas is upgraded. SCS never seem to worry much about integration with cineform until complaints come in. Since cineform are far more responsive than SCS, put a ticket into cineform.
fordie wrote on 9/28/2012, 12:30 AM
Thanks Serena,
This sounds bad , but I cant be bothered!
I went through all that before with Vegas 10 until we got to 10e. I just wont upgrade.
I have lots of stock footage which is cineform and i like using firstlight. I also like the way cineform does 25p to 24p conversions , so I will stay with 10e.
As an aside, edius 6.5 plays back the same file without pausing for breath. If edius was better with audio the move would be a no brainer. The trial of edius has never crashed or stuttered once...

LoTN wrote on 9/28/2012, 12:49 AM
As an aside, edius 6.5 plays back the same file without pausing for breath. If edius was better with audio the move would be a no brainer. The trial of edius has never crashed or stuttered once...

Same here, Edius is crash free, plays everything fine even with heavy FX chains applied.

For the audio part, I ended with Reaper and I am very happy with it. If you own a small business or if you are non-profit, the license fee is ridiculous.

For me, Reaper + Edius and its R-128 metering just do the job without hassle.
Serena wrote on 9/28/2012, 12:50 AM
Yes, I like Cineform and my default workflow is to download my EX files from the cards using Shotput Pro 4 and load those into HDLink for conversion to avi. Quick and easy. Annoying when upgrades break stuff that was working well.
fordie wrote on 9/28/2012, 1:18 AM
Cineform has been a mixed bag for me in vegas 10. Progressive avi files were fine but interlaced always caused problems with field rendering issues cropping up on a regular basis.
I will be sorry to leave vegas but i am moving.
I will keep 10 on the system to produce soundtracks. It will become my sound editor.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 9/28/2012, 6:28 AM
The only problem I'm having with CineForm clips in Vegas Pro 12.0 is the same problem I have in VP11 which is black bar down the right side of the preview when using Auto or Quarter. It does not happen in Full or Half preview. Other than that, CineForm files play as smooth as silk using Best (Full) for me. I'm using NeoScene 5.6.2 (Build 340).

videoITguy wrote on 9/28/2012, 10:09 AM
About Johnny Roy's comment - a sliver of a black bar on side of preview- with cineform clips. This is something that I have noticed on systems for several years- long before Version 11 and 12.

So I am willing to say conclusively this is nothing new and should not be considered a fault of later versions of Vegas.

In fact long-before WindowsXP - and in early video capture (MJPEG) systems that would display this way do to what the installers reps used to label videocard driver/alignment issues-no serious harm to output.