
andyrpsmith wrote on 1/13/2025, 5:25 AM

I believe the AI models have been revised fairly often during the progress from V20 to V22. Try the trial version of V22 and see.

David-Clarke7958 wrote on 1/13/2025, 5:48 AM

Thanks for the reply. I had tried the trial version a few months and was not sure I could see a difference to be honest, hence wondering if they had been changed. It is obviously just a small part of the whole Vegas picture, just happens to be something I am interested it.

Richvideo wrote on 1/13/2025, 8:02 AM

I am not a big user of Vegas as I edit in other things but one thing I have used is the colourisation. I own version 20 and wondered if this has been improved at all since then?

I have Vegas 20, I find the colorization tool pretty much useless when comparing it to the Hitpaw software colorization tool.. It is not perfect but the results are lot better than what I get in Vegas 20.

David-Clarke7958 wrote on 1/13/2025, 8:50 AM

I tried HitPaw and a few others. I think the best one is AVC Labs Video enhancer. But all these came out a lot latter than my Vegas 20 which is why I wondered whether Vegas 22 version was better.

RogerS wrote on 1/13/2025, 8:44 PM

If you want us to test it on a sample video please share one via a file transfer site.