Vegas 4.0 & FLV Exporter by Macromdeia

Pakari wrote on 12/15/2003, 5:35 PM
The new macormedia flash (7) has bundled with it a flash video exporter (FLV) application.
It allows Video Editing Packages to render out to FLV format, with it's
own custom settings. Once rendered out to this format it allows an easy
import into flash were a myriad of possibilites are abound. Apparently the quality is excellent v's file size. I know it uses the quicktime engine.
I have sinced installed it, were it attached itself to the windows/system32 directory.

But in Vegas 4.0 there are no options to render to this format, anywhere including selecting (mov), and using custom codecs within the settings. Does
anyone know about this? Flash has made some powerful improvements handling video in it's latest release, and I wanted to exploit it were possible.
Please note I can get video into flash using the .mov, but I'm not happy with how flash compresses and handles it thereafter....There is no supporting doucumention with the new flash on this subject.

Thanks in advance to any and all who reply?


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