
Spirit wrote on 10/20/2002, 7:48 AM
Maybe just "V4" or maybe add some useless, glamorous extra letter (X is popular these days) like "VX4" :)
Geoff_Wood wrote on 10/20/2002, 1:55 PM
'V8' has more powerful connotations.

geoff (Proud user of 'Vegas' )
PipelineAudio wrote on 10/20/2002, 2:16 PM
yeah V8 !
Media Demon v.4.26 build 3X2bbl
Jacose wrote on 10/21/2002, 12:03 AM
how about super dooper music unlooper?
slcrz wrote on 10/21/2002, 6:52 AM
Or Vegacid 4
Spirit wrote on 10/21/2002, 8:24 AM
I like V8, but won't people ask what happened to the other four versions ? And what happens when the next release comes out ? Is it V9 or V8-Delta (can't be beta!) or something like that ?

Here's some more:
VMF (Vegas Media Foundry)
Rednroll wrote on 10/21/2002, 8:36 AM
"Anvil"...that's pretty creative....goes along with the whole "Sonic Foundry" and "Sound Forge" theme. I think you should apply for a job in the Sonic Foundry marketing department.
MyST wrote on 10/21/2002, 9:05 AM
ANVIL...Like it!

PipelineAudio wrote on 10/21/2002, 11:36 AM
say it 10 times real fast. I love it! but you know the haters are gonna call it advil
MyST wrote on 10/21/2002, 12:20 PM
So what's so bad about that? Advil cures your (Protools)headaches don't it?
WT wrote on 10/22/2002, 10:27 PM
Weevil wrote on 10/23/2002, 12:04 AM
Anvil would be a great name for the flagship SF program.

You know the one; the killer application that has all the digital multitrack power of Vegas but also allows you to use ACID style loop tracks as well.

...But we all know that THAT is never going to happen...

...Well actually, it almost certainly will happen...but only once all the competing multitrackers have full looping capabilities. Then SF will be forced to play catch up... [Wistful sigh] :-)

...Remember the days when they said that Vegas was an audio only (no MIDI) app...

Anywho, I’m wandering off topic.

They shouldn’t let a name that good go to waste!
Jacose wrote on 10/25/2002, 11:37 PM
sounds like an audio EDITOR ... not a multitracker.

Rednroll wrote on 10/26/2002, 11:45 AM
what does a "multitracker" sound like? Protools? Nuendo? Sonar? Logic audio? Do these names sound like "multitrackers" or "editors" to you?