Vegas 4 recording latency

TibsteR wrote on 8/30/2004, 1:39 AM
I have a problem with the recording in vegas 4...When i record multipple tracks at once, everything is OK, but when i record some more tracks in the same project, then appears an annoying cca 5ms latency ....I tried to manually set the recording latency in the Options menu, but makes no difference.....
My hardvare is Pentium 4 at 2.8 Ghz, 160 G HDD, 512 M RAM, and M Audio Delta 8 track sound card... I think the hardver is not the problem...
Anyway the older versions of Vegas are working fine, but the Vegas 4 has some features that i want to use.
If anybody had the same problems, and managed to fix it, please share the fixing method with me.


B.Verlik wrote on 8/31/2004, 1:32 AM
I'd like to know this too. I always have to drag them back into sync afterwards.
Geoff_Wood wrote on 8/31/2004, 3:57 PM
Latency is a factor of your device driver settings. It may be that the driver is not reporting things correctly to V4.

But how are you deciding that there is 5ms offset on your newly recorded tracks ?

TibsteR wrote on 9/1/2004, 12:11 AM
Well...Let's say that I recorded the drums, bass line, and the guitar...and i want to record a guitar solo, or the vocals....and when i record everything it's OK, and when i listen it's not i put a marker where the solo should beginn, and I move the lead guitar track till it's in sync...and so I can tel that the latency is around 5 msec...or more...anyway...Doesn't fit...
So any suggestion ?
Anyway...i'm gonna check my driver, to see what can i do there.
charliedango wrote on 9/1/2004, 6:36 AM
I had a problem like this once.

First of all, regardless of what you are using to monitor (headphones or loudspeakers) my question would be, are they being fed from the same soundcard you are using to record?

When I first got Vegas I tried monitoring through the speakers that came with my computer and always noticed that everything I overdubbed was out of time with the tracks I laid down before. I found out that there was a latency issue when monitoring Vegas through my computer's soundcard and recording into a different one. To correct it I just had to start monitoring all tracks through my recording soundcard. Problem solved.

Hopefully it works for you.
Best of luck.
B.Verlik wrote on 9/1/2004, 1:10 PM
I only have an Audigy Platinum 2 card, and I have the latency problem. Now what? I've already heard the complaints about the quality of Audigy, but I'm financially not ready for a better one. I'm not sure I understand the "monitoring all tracks through the recording soundcard" statement. I think that's what I'm already doing and still have the latency. Unless there's something I have to do in my preferences that I haven't figured out yet. I always wonder about the settings and the choices of windows or my soundcard, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I've only had about 21 months on a computer and probably sound like a newbie from time to time. You said you had two soundcards and then made it work from one. I only have one (not counting the cheapie built into my motherboard that's not used). How did you accomplish this?
Geoff_Wood wrote on 9/1/2004, 3:32 PM
If you can notice, then it's waaay more than 5ms involved. This is like the timing difference incurred standing a 1.5further away. If that was a problem, then ensembles would never be able to play anything together.

datman wrote on 9/1/2004, 4:50 PM

the kind of stuff I do is much less involved than most of you guys. I record "house music" sets. For a few years I have toyed around with " live" sets where I mic the room and record in 4 tracks. First I tried with dats. Big latency problem. Then I got a laptop and tried two usb M-audio devices. It worked but a big latency problem and very hard to get them both up and running. usb bandwidth problems. not the way to go.

Now I have an Echo Mona I love it. The mona has 4 analog ins. I have recorded 6+ hours nonstop in 24/96 and after inserting 17 thousands of a second for the delay from the mic , at the beginning of the direct recording(not the crowd) I have a perfect sync.

So that would leave me to think that it is the device not the software
charliedango wrote on 9/2/2004, 6:59 AM
"You said you had two soundcards and then made it work from one. I only have one (not counting the cheapie built into my motherboard that's not used). How did you accomplish this?"

By that I meant I was using the built-in soundcard that came with the computer to monitor and recording into my soundcard (an Echo Layla). Once I started sending the output of my mix busses to the Layla card it solved the problem for me.

If you are using the same card for input and output then there really shouldn't be a problem. I mean you would think the A/D and D/A converter clocks would be synced if they were in the same card.....

I would contact Audigy for more info.
wobblyboy wrote on 9/2/2004, 6:21 PM
Don't preview your new tracks on computer output. There will always be latency. You neeed a cue mix, either on seperate mixing board or software, i.e. Motu cuemix for Motu 2400. I use an external mixer and have never had a latency problem on playback after recording with Vegas or Cubase.
TibsteR wrote on 9/7/2004, 12:02 AM
Geoff you're right...

It's waaay more than 5 ms... Actualy it's over 300 ms... Sorry... My mistake !
Anyway it's a real pain in the ass. And i don't have this problem with Vegas 1, with the same hardware and software (drivers, windows...etc).
So i'm forced now to do all the recordings in vegas 1 and than mixing in Vegas 4. But if i must record any new stuff, i must return to the older vegas, but the new Vegas project file is not compatible, with the old one, and the older vegas couldn't open it.
heinz3110 wrote on 9/7/2004, 3:38 AM
...You allready fiddled with your buffer settings of your soundcard ?
Can make a difference .At a friend's pc I had to set the correct buffersize,otherwise the whole thing started to drift when recording new tracks.Experiment with it.Just use one same song to record multiple tracks and adjust the buffersettings accordingly.

And ASIO versus MME can make a difference, too.Hope this helps.

Geoff_Wood wrote on 9/8/2004, 2:28 AM
If I understand correcly, Vegas interogates the driver and automatically adjusts *offset* (related to, but not the same thing as 'latenc'
y') . Either your version of V4 is flawed (the latest should be fine) or you driver is flawed. I think we covered the 'latest drivers' scenario earlier ?

wobblyboy wrote on 9/19/2004, 1:27 PM
Have you gone to preferences, audio device and made sure that the automatically detect and offset hardward latency box is checked?

How are you recording the new tracks. You should be recording to a mixer using input from Vegas on two channels. You should be soloing vegas tracks and and your input tracks. You should have your have new recorded tracks muted in Vegas so they do not play back. If you are doing this and recording is still out of sync, you may have a sound card problem. I have been using both Vegas and Cubase on several computers and have not experienced out of sync recording. I am using an older Motu 2400 for multi track input and output.

I did have some sync problems when inputing mult channels from ADAT, which I fixed by selecting correct time clock and project sample rate. With Vegas you have to set project properties to match sample rate for ADAT and make sure that input clock selected is the controling ADAT.
adowrx wrote on 9/20/2004, 7:29 PM
"You should be recording to a mixer using input from Vegas on two channels. You should be soloing vegas tracks and and your input tracks. You should have your have new recorded tracks muted in Vegas so they do not play back. If you are doing this and recording is still out of sync, you may have a sound card problem. I have been using both Vegas and Cubase on several computers and have not experienced out of sync recording. I am using an older Motu 2400 for multi track input and output."

What's this about soloing and muting tracks? This seems unnecessary. If your soundcard setting is 256 or lower, you should be OK except maybe for VERY quick transients. As stated by others, check for latest driver updates for your soundcard, select ASIO. BTW, How fast is your HD spinning?

wobblyboy wrote on 9/23/2004, 5:56 PM
If I record new tracks I monitor input I am recording directly on my mixer. I monitor already recorded tracks from input from computer. If I monitor tracks I am recording from computer I get a very slight delay which bothers me when I am recording.