
busterkeaton wrote on 3/10/2007, 12:51 AM
No, but there are at least two tools from third parties

You can search this forum for opinions on them.
Alan Gough wrote on 3/10/2007, 2:20 AM
Thanks Buster I will check them out further

On prelimiary review looks like you need a trial install of premiere pro for cinneform prospect hd edit
do you know if you need p2 cards installed for either of these two programs to output to firewire in hd (like you can do with dvrack?)


Spot|DSE wrote on 3/10/2007, 8:40 AM
CineForm, Raylight from DVFilm, and Serious Magic all offer third party tools. There are tutorials for both Serious Magic and Raylight on the VASST website which may help you understand the process. I use the Raylight app, personally. It leaves you with options.
BarryGreen wrote on 3/10/2007, 9:05 AM
Raylight is the one that offers the best integration with the HVX, because Raylight actually allows you to drop MXF files right onto the timeline or import them directly into the bin. CineForm and Serious Magic both require you to convert your MXF files into .AVI files first, which can be a time-and-space-wasting event. Raylight can convert to .AVI too if you want (and if you're going to be using After Effects or something like that, you may need to). But if you're just editing in Vegas, the Raylight MXF plug-in is incredibly useful.

Also, if you want to output back out to a P2 card, again Raylight is the only one that offers that. Marcus includes a program called P2 Maker which lets you author a P2 card image.

Give Raylight a try; it's far and away my favorite of the HVX file options. It's really rather remarkable what Marcus van Bavel of DVFilm has accomplished.

Alan Gough wrote on 3/13/2007, 2:00 AM
Thanks for the excellent information Barry,

One final question regarding dv film products. Do I need a p2 memory card installed on hvx200 in order to write dv film compatible files or can I output direct from hvx200 firewire port, thereby not needing a p2 card.


BarryGreen wrote on 3/13/2007, 9:39 AM
Neither Vegas nor Raylight support direct file streaming of DVCPRO50 or DVCPRO-HD. So if you want to work without cards, you could either a) shoot to the FireStore FS-100, b) shoot direct to a DVCPRO-HD or DVCPRO50 tape deck, or c) use DV Rack 2.0 HD to do live capture of your footage.

Problem with b) is that Vegas still wouldn't be able to capture the footage, so you'd have the same issue.

So, your main choices are: P2 cards, FS-100, or going direct to computer with DV Rack 2.0 HD. You can do live streaming and live capture with DV Rack 2.0 HD, or with the FireStore, either way you could eliminate the need to buy or use any cards.

If you get DV Rack 2.0 HD, you wouldn't need to buy Raylight; DV Rack 2.0 HD includes a file conversion utility that gives Vegas the ability to work with DVCPRO-HD files. However, it doesn't give you the ability to import MXF files directly from a P2 card (or hard disk) right to the timeline. So, what that means is, these are two different products for different purposes. If you intend to work with the P2 cards, definitely get Raylight, it completely revolutionizes everything. If you intend not to work with the cards but instead want to do all recording via live streaming off the firewire, get DV Rack 2.0 HD instead. It gives you everything you need to work with the footage in Vegas.
Alan Gough wrote on 3/15/2007, 12:59 AM
Hi Barry,

I purchased dv rack hd 2 about a mointh ago. Great in every respect except importing into vegas, or converting the avi 2 files to a standard hd format. (without having to use third party software to rearrange the aspect ratio of the original files 1280 x 1080 stretches out to 1440)

What should my vegas media and properties settings be for dvrack avi2 media recorded via firewire direct to computer, in 1080 60 i format

Is it possible a proper codec may not be installed. I have also installed teh registered version of the dvcprohd batch converter, just in case tehre are some codec installs with it.

I have done numerous tests recording with hvx200 in hd 1080 30p mode, import the files after settign project and media properties, making sure to set a 1.5 pixel aspect ratio.

Perhpas the codec is not installed.

when I go and render the file in dv rack hd a small logo with serious magic text plays in the upper right of the screen.

we are recording without p2 cards directly to duo core notebook cpu, in avi 2 format. In either 720 or 1080 we can not see teh video on teh vegas timeline. Would it make a difference to record in m2t with dv rack.

Any additional help would be most usefull at this time, as I have even deadlocked the adobe tech support team regarding dvrack 2 hd

In sd resolution we have no problem seeign the video and editing productions.

mvb wrote on 3/18/2007, 11:47 PM
DV Rack is not a complete editing solution and it's not a codec. As far as I know it cannot encode (compress) video to DVCPROHD, it can only decode it. It has no options for playback quality, speed, or aspect ratio.

You need to add Raylight ($195 from which will allow you to convert the DV Rack AVI's into Raylight AVI, and edit in Vegas with square or non-square pixel format, and output to DVCPROHD if that is desired for playback. You can also bring MXF files from a P2 Card directly into the project. Raylight is a real DVCPROHD codec, meaning that it can both compress and decompress video.

BarryGreen wrote on 3/19/2007, 1:37 PM
DV Rack does include a DEC (okay, that's bogus shorthand for the decompression portion of a CODEC). :)

When you properly install DV Rack 2.0 HD, it installes a Serious Magic decompression codec. You should be able to drag your DV Rack-recorded files directly to the Vegas timeline, as well as be able to double-click 'em from Explorer and play them in Media Player. If that's not happening for you, there's something wrong with your installation.