Vegas at lafcpug July 28

mikehx wrote on 7/25/2004, 12:33 AM
The LA Final Cut Pro User Group is bringing Vegas 5 to its July 28 meeting. Vegas guru Timothy Duncan will be demoing. This night is part of what we are calling "The Other NLE's" and will include Avid Express Pro, Liquid Edition and Premiere Pro 1.5 For complete agenda go to the lafcpug web site.

Sony will be donating a copy of Vegas, Vegas + DVD, Acid Pro, Acid Loops and a copy of Sound Forge to our raffle

Hoping lots of Vegas users will show up and support Timothy
Michael Horton
Los Angeles Final Cut Pro User Group


Grazie wrote on 7/25/2004, 12:43 AM
hoooooo !.. wish I was a fly on the wall ;-)

stormstereo wrote on 7/26/2004, 4:49 AM
If possible, give us some report on how it went.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 7/26/2004, 4:52 AM
This is reminiscent of the old days when the Romans fed Christians to the lions! ;o)

stormstereo wrote on 7/26/2004, 4:34 PM
You bet Jay!

stormstereo wrote on 8/8/2004, 12:48 PM
Does anyone have a report on how this event went?
Liam_Vegas wrote on 8/8/2004, 3:22 PM
Tim posted a report to the Southern California Vegas Users Group.. so if you join you will be able to read all about it.

Basically (if I may provide a brief synopsys) the event caused quite a stir among the FCP user group and a few of them came along to the Sony / Promax "seminars" as a result.
vectorskink wrote on 8/8/2004, 4:21 PM
Can't find it? Any direct URL's???

Liam_Vegas wrote on 8/8/2004, 5:20 PM
This one and this one.

There are others as well... but that will get you started.