Hello S.F. --
There's been a lot of (understandable ... ?) yelling in
here lately, so I'll posit my query in a more subdued
manner, though it asks questions that others have asked in
here recently:
1. Any word on a release date for the Vegas Audio 2.0
2. Any word on a price for said upgrade?
3. Any word on release date for Sound Forge 5.0?
I, for one, am excioted that the upcoming Vegas Audio 2.0
will (as far as I can tell) trim out video features that I
never use and include some serious and overdue audio
improvements. I am also extremely relieved to learn that
the new Vegas Video isn't in the upgrade path from Vegas
Pro 1.0b -- I didn't want to have to upgrade to a product
geared towards video editors when all I do is audio.
There still isn't another audio mixing product available
that I can tolerate using, but I *enjoy* and look forward
to using Vegas every time I sit down with it.
Thanks a lot for any info you can pass along,
There's been a lot of (understandable ... ?) yelling in
here lately, so I'll posit my query in a more subdued
manner, though it asks questions that others have asked in
here recently:
1. Any word on a release date for the Vegas Audio 2.0
2. Any word on a price for said upgrade?
3. Any word on release date for Sound Forge 5.0?
I, for one, am excioted that the upcoming Vegas Audio 2.0
will (as far as I can tell) trim out video features that I
never use and include some serious and overdue audio
improvements. I am also extremely relieved to learn that
the new Vegas Video isn't in the upgrade path from Vegas
Pro 1.0b -- I didn't want to have to upgrade to a product
geared towards video editors when all I do is audio.
There still isn't another audio mixing product available
that I can tolerate using, but I *enjoy* and look forward
to using Vegas every time I sit down with it.
Thanks a lot for any info you can pass along,