Hello everyone, I have a strange issue I haven't seen an answer to.
I have captured 3 video from DV tape for a friends of this wedding. In the capture window it plays back the audio just fine but when I add it to the project and timeline there is no audio. And the raw .avi files in the Media folder playback with no sound. Im on an old windows laptop. Using the same copy of Vegas I have used forever. I am also using the same camera I have been using forever. Never had this happen before. Why is it playing audio in the capture window but not on the timeline or in regular windows media or quicktime playback? I ran the files through VLC to try to fix the avi format and nothing. Tried Handbrake, Adobe Premiere, nothing. The captured media files will only play audio when viewing through the sony vegas capture window. What is this? help please
Sony Vegas Platinum 9