Vegas Pro 13 - Red R3D - Davinci

BrianSzep wrote on 9/7/2014, 4:37 AM

I have been trying to export XML and /or EDL, and every time I try with my current project Vegas throws an error and it never completes the exporting.

I have been searching all over the net and on these forums for a possible cause and have not come up with anything.

Following errors:
XML : Archiving failed see log.
Log file shows:
Archiving E:\Video_Productions\Client Projects\Circuitry Films\Bug Hunt\Production Footage\Edits\Bug Hunt - Promo (Edit Final)-V3.veg
to E:\Video_Productions\Client Projects\Circuitry Films\Bug Hunt\Post Production\Color Correction\BugHunt-Promo(Edit Final)-V3.xml
Motion blur type ignored.
Codec for first video event in sequence not found.
Unexpected problem: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.RestoreBinPointer(Project project, String binPath)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportMediaPoolInternal(Project project, String binPath, Object item)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportMediaPoolInternal(Project project, String binPath, Object item)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportMediaPoolInternal(Project project, String binPath, Object item)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportMediaPoolInternal(Project project, String binPath, Object item)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportMediaPoolInternal(Project project, String binPath, Object item)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportMediaPool(Project project, MediaPool pool)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportAll(Project project, String outputFile)
at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.ExportProjectStep.ExportProjectStep_DoWork()
at Sony.MediaSoftware.Archive.SinglethreadStep.Run()
at Sony.MediaSoftware.Archive.Steps.NextStep()
Archiving complete.

The EDL - Error : Object required. This exporting is accessed thru the scripts menu.

System Specs:
CPU: i7
Win 8.1 64-Bit
Vegas 13 (Build 373) 64-Bit
Video: R3D
Project is 2 1/2 mins, some generated text and an avi video that was created with Vegas and the red .r3d files with the corresponding audio.

I hope someone has an idea because I don't! :(



farss wrote on 9/7/2014, 8:35 AM
I haven't a clue but the [I]" Codec for first video event in sequence not found."[/I] line would be a good start because it doesn't make sense.

Really I think this is definitely one you need to send off to support.

BrianSzep wrote on 9/7/2014, 10:19 AM
Hi Bob,

I thought the same thing but I have seen other logs that show that. Also I have done a successful export with another file type.

This is what the problem seems to be and I don't know what is causing it:
Unexpected problem: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element.

I even started eliminating every clip one at a time and that didn't work either. So I am thinking there might be a problem with R3D files.

tim-evans wrote on 9/7/2014, 12:21 PM

I work with R3D files. Are you using the new export function or are you using a script?

With the export xml, the codec message I also get . I have no idea what the message means but it is not stopping the success of the xml being written.

I do not normally use the new export functions because like so many of the newer tools they are half-baked and not fully tested.

The idea of using the export function is to collaborate with others who don't use Vegas.

I won't go into detail here but with R3D files it was mostly unsuccessful and too much of a PIA to use.

Here is my suggestion to assist you in troubleshooting your problem. As you are deleting media from the timeline make sure you are clicking on the "remove all unused media' button each time else Vegas will still be trying to save the deleted file in the xml.


I just took a recent RED project and tried to save it as an XLM. Of course it failed. Nice one SCS!. Looking through the log not only do I see the codec message that you mentioned but I notice that there are messages about nested projects.... so maybe Vegas has issues with those also when saving XML with R3D.

As mentioned by me in another thread ... if Sony wants to go after the other market segments they need to make sure that the tools they offer are "Professional".

I did take a simple clip and was successful in saving XML so it can be done with R3D. Good luck... I know how frustrating it is to be given tools that don't work properly.
BrianSzep wrote on 9/8/2014, 12:55 PM

I'm using the new export function. Maybe I should look for a script. I did get a r3d file to export but I found one that would not work. So, going to have track down why some work and others don't.

I am trying to develop a work flow pipeline that includes Vegas but it's not looking good. I have years of upgrading and I am not looking to change NLE's.

One17Films wrote on 9/9/2014, 11:27 AM
Hey Brian,

I was having the same issue exporting an fcpxml file on my system, but found a way around it.

In your log report, you have these two lines:

>Unexpected problem: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element

>at VegasScripts.ProjectInterchangeExporter.RestoreBinPointer(Project project, String binPath)

The last line where it says "RestoreBinPointer" is the problem I was having. Without removing the media from your Vegas project, (and I HIGHLY recommend saving a separate Vegas project file before doing this) delete all of the bins under the "Media Bins" folder. When exporting, Vegas is trying to export the locations of files inside their respective bins and it's crashing the archive to fcpxml. When I deleted my bins, it exported fine (but I have yet to determine if it imports without issue in FCPX).

Hope that helps!
BrianSzep wrote on 9/10/2014, 12:12 PM
Hi Sean,

You were absolutely right about the bin stuff. Deleted the sub bins and it it exported fine. Now I am just trying to get the import into Resolve and Redcine-X Pro to work.

When I import the XML they crash and shut down. Now this could be because I am using Intel HD4600 graphics. I just bought a new gtx780ti card so more tests coming soon.

I will update this thread with my findings.

One17Films wrote on 10/21/2014, 10:04 AM
Hi Brian,

I'm glad to hear that the export worked after trying that fix.

Since my last post, I have tested importing the .fcpxml file into Final Cut Pro X and it imported without issue, though some of the clips on other layers (namely a music file) did not import properly. I am uncertain as to why you are unable to import your files. Please let me know if you are able to circumvent the issue.

BrianSzep wrote on 10/22/2014, 12:10 AM

I have been trying to get the clips(media) to import into Davinci but to no avail. The time line is correct but I keep getting the timecode extants don't match.

All of my research seems to point to Vegas not handling the timecode correctly.

Redcine-X Pro almost imports everything but even it has some problems.

My research suggests that maybe transcoding to a MXF wrapper might fix it but I haven't tried that yet.
