Vegas Pro 14 (or any version before): Creating a new version of Vegas Pro and calling it improved, before fixing issues within current versions, expecting/hoping a consumer will pay for a new version is like ordering a steak at a restaurant and having the waitress/chef come to your table and telling you "you'll be charged extra because the steak was harder to cook than other steaks I've cooked." As we've seen, current and previous Vegas Pro users are jumping ship because of this NOT SO "goodwill."
I respectfully disagree: the Vegas team have been actively fixing bugs and have already released several version 14 builds. Some bugs may only be fixed by large changes in software architecture. I would prefer to see a new "for pay" release with the modern features we need rather than wait an eternity for minor bug fixes. Also, a financially healthy Vegas will improve much faster than an impoverished one.
Of course, I am biased by the fact that Vegas is stable for me.
We had something about 50bug fixes with the 7 updates published for Vegas 14. Sure, I would have to fixed more too - but here Vegas Pro 14 is quite stable.
The argument of the financial health is important for me too. If that is not given, we would not see any further development an bug fixes in the future.
Scene: auto dealership salesman: and this years model has a new, modern smokeless ashtray buyer: previous years models exploded when you hit the gas. has that been fixed? salesman: ... and this year, it also comes in 'Chartreuse' !
Scene: auto dealership salesman: and this years model has a new, modern smokeless ashtray buyer: previous years models exploded when you hit the gas. has that been fixed? salesman: ... and this year, it also comes in 'Chartreuse' !
The car exploded because you put hydrogen in the tank instead of gas, if you can figure out the analogy.
All the complaining about why hasn't VP13/14 been fixed blah blah blah.... Seriously guys... MAGIX acquired Vegas and more or less bolted on what fixes they vcould make to the internals of what has probably become duct tape code. We here are hoping that VP15 has had alot of code rewrite to try and make the app more stable and mainstream for modern GPU's and codecs... I've come to learn that although Vegas supports multiple codecs, that doesn't mean it's stable. About the only editing codecs I've found to work well is Cineform AVI and various iterations of OPa1 MXF files - that means transcoding. Do I like having to take the extra steps necessary to edit? Not really, but then again, as I've discovered, the extra effort pays off in a smooth, buttery editing experience even on my aged x58 hex core desktop or quad core laptop. I recently discovered 50 megabit 422 MXF files cut smoothly in Vegas after having used Cineform for along time with smaller file sizes compared to Cineform - so depending on the project, I'll be using either of these two codecs in my work. Once I make the eventual transition to 4K, I'll probably edit using 720p Proxies...
I'm patiently awaiting the release of VP15 to see if the tool is worth continuing to use or if I need to look at Resolve 14 again - something I'd rather not have to do. Then there's the whole paradigm of AVID Media Composer First which for many, might meet there needs - and is free.
buyer: but I don't want to buy a new car every year with the same known issues, so I guess I won't. This version has had several tuneups and adjustments, but still explodes, and is missing a full sized spare tire :D but now is incompatible with the latest gas. :D
I am also enjoying metaphors but if this thread continues to derail, I will have to close the "parking space" for your comments here. 😉
Final words from my side. If you followed the discussions in the forum, you should have noticed that Gary and the whole development team is very passionate about the VEGAS products and is giving their best to create outstanding software. Yes, we can't fix every issue at once but we are making progress.
Please, if you have specific questions or constructive feedback you wanna discuss, share them in a new thread.