VEGAS Pro 22 Now Available

VEGAS_CommunityManager wrote on 7/29/2024, 9:47 AM

Dear Community,

VEGAS Pro 22 is now available! Visit and download the trial today.

As always, we value your feedback. Please let us know what you think of VEGAS Pro 22 in our general discussion thread

Important notes:

The VEGAS Pro Edit offering has been renamed as simply VEGAS Pro. VEGAS Post offering is no longer available.

Download this document for a detailed description of the new features in VEGAS Pro 22.

New Feature list:

  • Text-based Editing (full release) 
    • Improvements and refinements have been made to the Text-based Editing tools based on the feedback we received during the beta release cycle. You can now more efficiently edit your video timeline by performing edits in the text transcript.  
  • New Multicam Audio Sync 
    • Synchronizing multicam events based on the audio from the clips the events hold has been completely reworked. You can now select multiple events and quickly synchronize them with options optimized for the type of audio contained in the clips.  
  • AI Auto Reframe   
    • This AI-assisted tool automatically reframes your video when the delivery size of your final render does not match the original aspect ratio. For instance, if you have a standard widescreen video and need to deliver it in a square format for Instagram or other channels, this tool shifts focus to the most important object in the video and keeps it centered in the new frame size while other material is cropped out.   
  • AI DeHaze   
    • This AI-assisted plug-in analyzes your video for hazy elements like smoke, fog, smog and so on and removes those elements in order to create a more crisp, clearer image of your main video element. 
  • AI Sharpen 
    • Driven by AI, the AI Sharpen tool analyzes the edges of objects in your video and enhances them to give the image a crisper, clearer lock. The enhancement can be used to improve your video’s clarity or in many cases as a special effect to give your video an unnaturally crisp look. 
  • AI Smoothen 
    • You can use this AI-driven tool to soften small details in your video while preserving sharp edges. This can result in a cleaner, more stylized look where fine details are smoothed out, but edges remain clear. You can use a small amount to give your video a subtly softer appearance, or a large amount to create more of a special effect on your video. 
  • Beat Detection 
    • The Beat Detection tool analyzes a music file (or music in a video file) and marks highlights, syncopated hits, drum rolls or any “interesting” events in the low-mid and low-end of the audio frequency range. The markers serve as snap objects, so when you add the file to your timeline you can easily edit your video to the musical beats. 
  • Tempo Detection 
    • The Tempo Detection tool analyzes a piece of music (or the music in a video file) to determine the tempo of the piece and automatically sets your project properties to match the detected tempo. This makes editing the project easy, as you can now set your timeline ruler to measures and beats and use the grid as orientation and snap points for seamless cuts and edits in time with the music.  
  • Timeline Selection improvements 
    • The timeline selection techniques have been refined to make selecting events even easier. An intuitive left-click on an empty timeline space now enables you to start a selection rectangle which you can modify in order to select whichever events you want  
  • New Welcome Screen 
    • The Welcome screen has been completely redesigned to make it even more useful in helping you start your editing session. Three tabs give you quick access to new-project setup, previous projects, and materials to help you use VEGAS more effectively. 
  • Set the project tempo 
    • New menu options make it easy to set your project tempo. With these you can easily open the project audio properties and enter the desired tempo. When you then set your timeline ruler bar to Measures and Beats, the ruler will accurately reflect the project tempo. When you match the project tempo to the tempo of the music in your timeline, you can easily use the ruler to edit to precise measures and beats of the music. 
  • Explorer window redesign 
    • The Explorer window has been reimagined and newly designed to provide a more efficient user experience. It’s now easier to navigate to your media files, preview them, and organize your view. 

Additional improvements:

  • Fixed a problem that caused large project to take a very long time to bring media back online 
  • Preference to unload media when application loses focus has been defaulted to On once again 
  • Fixed problems with Smart Mask 2.0 
  • Fixed a problem with timeline syncing with preview overlay when editing video FX 
  • Implemented a 64-bit plugin for MP3 processing 
  • Implemented a 64-bit plugin for OGG processing 
  • Updated to the current version of the BMRAW SDK 
  • Fixed a problem where Mocha VEGAS rendered incorrectly on the last frame when FPS numbers do not match 
  • Implemented support for 10-Bit decoding for HEIC media 
  • Fixed a problem that prevented the ability to create envelope points with the paint pen 
  • Improved the pipeline for handling AC-3 media 
  • The Selectively Prerender Video function now renders in the correct color space 
  • Fixed a problem that could cause artifacts and incorrect rendering of frames for 8k projects with Pan/Crop applied using CPU only 
  • Updates to the AI Framework 
  • Fixed low memory errors when using GPU for rendering 
  • Media now properly comes back online when you use the Win + D command to bring focus back to VEGAS 
  • Fixes improve the behavior of Adjustment Events 
  • Improved GPU pipeline for BMRAW 
  • MXF decoding issues have been resolved 
  • Updates ensure full support for Intel Lunar Lake CPUs 
  • Beziér Mask plug-in handle behavior has been improved 
  • Copy and paste of an Adjustment Event from one instance of VEGAS to another now works as expected 
  • Import MXF as multichannel preference now works as expected 
  • Fixed crash which may occur when editing in the timeline 
  • Fixed issue with the Picture-in-picture plugin which may cause a hang 
  • Fixed a crash which may occur when some media is read in by the compound plugin 
  • Fixed a glitch in decoding of M2TS files 
  • Fixed problems with the Update Drivers dialog 
  • The preview aspect ratio is now correct for Panasonic HVX200 P2 footage 
  • Improved the speed of creating a preview snapshot with PNG format 
  • Fixed problems with Smart Mask when changing project aspect ratios 
  • The So4 Reader now properly initializes in situations where a GPU is not available 
  • Fixed stability problems with the Auto Analysis function in the Smart Mask plugin 
  • Fixed hang which may occur during thumbnail generation 
  • Fixed a problem with white and glitching windows that may appear late in the startup process for the application 
  • Improved speed of Color Grading plugin 
  • Improved the startup time for the application 
  • Make the check for the Nahimic service quicker 


Download links:


Best Regards,

The VEGAS Creative Software Team
