Vegas Pro 9 -Delay compensation 4 plugins? PLEASE!

Stompinmsc wrote on 5/4/2009, 7:07 PM
For the love of god can I please get Delay compensation in the Mix engine?? :) That would make audio plugins useful for long renders and make my life easier. :) I think you guys should also consider changing the look of the meters to a more pro look than shareware. I have been a user since 1.0 everyday and rendering with a plugin chain is mostley useless without tricks.. Cheers!



pwppch wrote on 5/4/2009, 9:42 PM
There should be no delay due to plug-ins when rendering.

Can you tell me the FX you are using (Vendor, version) and how you are using them? A simple test case scenario that reproduces the problem for you consistently would be appreciated also.

Are you saying that our current meters look bad or are broken in some way?

What would make the meter's look more 'pro' in your opinion?


Stompinmsc wrote on 5/4/2009, 10:40 PM
All UAD2 plugins (5.2) for one. (Please test these units in house, many audio users own these.) If I do a render to disc the top and end get clipped or add funky sound data to the header. I usually have to take 2 sec in front and back of the file to render the FX, then edit them in Sound Forge. All convolution verbs are the same.

The new GUI color in 9 is WAY better, however I think the old meters need a revamp in look. Something a little more fluid looking as well. The metering in Protools and Logic look way better.

I would also LOVE to make the mixer tracks and Track info area to the left of the edit screen solid colors for quick viewing tracks. (Helpful when you have 50+ tracks going. The little colored track number just isn't enough for big sessions.

Folder tracks are also a must have.

Would love to use my Jazz Mutant DEXTER or Euphonix MC Control as a DAW controller... :)

I have to say Vegas is pretty superior when editing in the timeline, I am faster on this than all the other DAW's in the studio my PT HD rig included. Don't ever change this! :)

In the Automation data window I would also LOVE a Volume TRIM Mode Envelope layer aside from the Volume layer.

Would love to have a better Time Compression and pitch algorythim.

I make a good chunk of my living working in Vegas AUDIO ONLY. Please keep advancing the features... :)


pwppch wrote on 5/5/2009, 9:26 AM
All UAD2 plugins (5.2) for one. (Please test these units in house, many audio users own these.) If I do a render to disc the top and end get clipped or add funky sound data to the header. I usually have to take 2 sec in front and back of the file to render the FX, then edit them in Sound Forge. All convolution verbs are the same.

This does not sound like a plug-in delay compensation issue. A specific work case would be helpful in determining exactly what problems you are having.

We do test with the UAD hardware. The reality is that the user base of UAD is not a huge part of Vegas' user base. We have to balance our support for UAD's non-standard approach to VST plug-ins with the larger audiance of Vegas.

The new GUI color in 9 is WAY better, however I think the old meters need a revamp in look. Something a little more fluid looking as well. The metering in Protools and Logic look way better.

So this is just a subjective change, not a functional behavior problem?

Can you define what "fluid" means?

I would also LOVE to make the mixer tracks and Track info area to the left of the edit screen solid colors for quick viewing tracks. (Helpful when you have 50+ tracks going. The little colored track number just isn't enough for big sessions.

This would be a workflow enhancement. Something I have thought about many times.

Folder tracks are also a must have.

I personally think track/bus hiding - like in the Mix Console View - to be a far better workflow. Folders hide things but still take up space.

Would love to use my Jazz Mutant DEXTER or Euphonix MC Control as a DAW controller... :)

Euphonix does not support Windows for the MC Control.

In the Automation data window I would also LOVE a Volume TRIM Mode Envelope layer aside from the Volume layer.

This doesn't make sense to me. Trims are not meant to be envelopes. They are trims on the envlopes. Somebody would then want a static trim for the trim envlopes, etc, etc.

I would love to understand your work flow and a case for such functionality that you cannot achieve today.

You should submit your requests through our normal channels available on this site.

imac wrote on 5/11/2009, 4:48 PM
"There should be no delay due to plug-ins when rendering "

oh yes there is.
i using v8

but only on the master buss, all other buss', tracks ok

it never used to be like this, can't remember how far back..

this has really screwed me around for awhile, cos i assumed as was previously confirmed, all lat is accounted for.

basically when tracking with a plug on the master, the recorded results are out of time by the latency of the plug. took me ages to work this out cos assumed it was not vegas, and has been fine in the past.

not just when recording, but always inc rendering. only on the master buss.

all plugs, waves voxengo etc (well not tested sony dx) but is the standard plug lat, eg waves 64 samples etc
imac wrote on 5/11/2009, 4:55 PM
"Folder tracks are also a must have.

I personally think track/bus hiding - like in the Mix Console View - to be a far better workflow. Folders hide things but still take up space."

i do vid in vegas, but primarily audio. even worse when combine, like a full orchestra multitrack and all cams..

even audio only, can run into many more tracks than can fit in a screen.
when i'm scrolling up and down hundreds of tracks trying to find something i'm always longing for folders!

many tracks are just storing alternative takes, edits etc, and have no place in the workflow, but have to stay there just in case..

folders please!
pwppch wrote on 5/11/2009, 7:14 PM

Please give me a simple example so I can reproduce and review this. Include the name of a specific plug-in that causes this problem.


imac wrote on 5/11/2009, 8:15 PM
just made an interesting discovery while making a simple test for this.

if any buss has the fader set to "pre fx" then compensation does not work for that buss.

so i have my master set to "pre" so it's the only one that has no delay comp.

is this something i should have known? or is it misbehaviour?

i been using vegas since v1, can't say i've ever read the manual!
pwppch wrote on 5/11/2009, 10:39 PM

Interesting discovery.

Can you provide me what I asked for? I would really like to reproduce something specific.

imac wrote on 5/11/2009, 11:13 PM
try this project i made;

master and bus A need to be set to the same physical out.
loop over the sound files. (you have to stop and start play for vegas to redetect latency after you change the pre/post fx)

the latency on the sony plug is very small so isn't so obvious audibly with clicks, so the second tone will show 100% null when master buss is switched to "post fade" (or as long as is the same as bus A)

pwppch wrote on 5/12/2009, 8:25 AM

Please fill out your system specs in your user profile.

I downloaded this project. I am not seeing any latency.

How are you measuring the latency?

What audio hardware are you using?

What driver model are you using in Vegas?

What buffer setting are you using for your audio hardware?

What does 100% null mean?


imac wrote on 5/12/2009, 4:59 PM
so on my system, when i play the 50hz files, if there is full latency comp, then the 2 files will null each other out as one has phase flipped, resulting in silence from my speakers.

if i change one of the bus' to "pre fx" then i will hear loud 50 hz tone because the latency of the plug is no longer accounted for, they no longer null each other out

if i render the files in the same way i can visually see that time difference also.

so it's unique to my system?

i will collect the details you ask for
pwppch wrote on 5/13/2009, 8:33 AM
I will review what you state.

Can you answer the rest of my questions?

pwppch wrote on 5/13/2009, 9:20 AM
I have reviewed this. This is not a plug-in latency delay compensation issue.

The problem appears to be what the first two tracks are causing WaveHammer to do internally. (I have asked our DSP guys here to review as well.)

If I loop over only the sine wave tracks, I get zero (100% null) output - regardless of pre/post settings.

As soon as I include the first two tracks, I get a significant lowering of signal, but not 100% cancelation.

It does not matter whether the FX on the busses are pre or post. There is no recalc/reset of latency or offsets caused by the plug-in caused by a simple change in the signal graph like this. The only thing that could cause a problem here is if you are running at extremely large sample frame sizes as then WaveHammer (or similar plug-ins) may have a cache internally.

However, in your simple example since there is no gain change anywhere in the signal graph, this will have no affect as the signal is consistent and no discontinutiy would be introduced.

I really would like to know your audio hardware and configuration as I asked for previously, as this could have some affect on results. Please fill out your system specs and answer my previous questions.


imac wrote on 5/14/2009, 9:30 PM
i filled system specs the other day, does that show up somewhere?

using sydec soundscape asio, buffers from 64 to 4032 when mixing

just testing, at 128 and under the problem does not appear!
so 256 and above it is there... doesn't get worse above 128, is just there
swapping the plug for waves L2, will only not exhibit problem at 64. so different again

what does that mean?

this delay is directly related to plugin latency. ie the delay is exactly the sum latency of the plugs in the chain. ie waves are 64 each etc

i only used wavehammer to be sure we all had the plug, but any plug that has latency will do.

pwppch wrote on 5/14/2009, 9:46 PM
You need to set your preferences to show you system settings.

I am unable to reproduce your problem, other than as I described.

Do you have any tracks armed and input monitoring enabled when doing your tests?

imac wrote on 5/16/2009, 4:54 AM
no armed tracks.

what is the last version of 8 for 32bit?

pwppch wrote on 5/16/2009, 2:44 PM
what is the last version of 8 for 32bit?

What ever is available as the update in our downloads section. If you have this, then you have the latest available for Vegas 8.0c.

cchoy wrote on 5/26/2009, 7:13 AM
Let me weigh in here:

I do remember on a past project having a whole lot of problems when using Sony Pitch on a track. Even though there were only a few events on the track, I was getting weird artifacts, etc waaaay down the timeline. I had to render the effects and place them rather than using Pitch as a real time effect in order for things to be okay...

I have also had some weird issues with delay compensation when using spin audio's roomverb...

pwppch wrote on 5/26/2009, 9:57 AM
I do remember on a past project having a whole lot of problems when using Sony Pitch on a track. Even though there were only a few events on the track, I was getting weird artifacts, etc waaaay down the timeline. I had to render the effects and place them rather than using Pitch as a real time effect in order for things to be okay...

Plug-ins that change the duration of media - such as our Pitch shift plug-in - can make the time line behave very weird depending on how you have it set up.

If you are pitching with out preserving duration, you are essentially changing the length of the track.

More details on what you did would be useful.

I have also had some weird issues with delay compensation when using spin audio's roomverb...

What kind of "weird issues" ? Details are far better to help us understand the problem.

How did you determine that the "weird issue" was due to plug-in delay compensation?
