vegas pro and dx effects....

lilpizan77 wrote on 9/10/1999, 6:30 PM i have to set up a different bus for each track
in order to apply direct x effects to each track
individually... my soundcard only has one stereo output so
how do i go about setting up different buses for each
track..? is that possible ? if do a apply effects
to individual tracks ? do i solo the track i want to apply
effects on and work like that ? that would suck because i
would like to hear the other tracks as i tweak the effect..
any help would be greatly appreciated...

thank you... - eddie -


pwppch wrote on 9/10/1999, 9:32 PM
Well there are two ways you can do this:

1) use assignable FX send/returns. This will allow you to work like a
real mixer does - using Aux sends to the FX and the return to mix to
a main bus.

2) Set up as many main busses as you need and set up "insert" FX on
these busses. Each track would be assigned one of the busses. (This
will limit the number of discreet tracks to 26.) A single sound card
- stereo pair - can have as many as 26 main busses assigned to it.
Consider the main busses in this case to be "sub mixes" to the stereo
sound cards "master bus".

The signal flow diagram in the users guide should explain the signal
path in either case.

What I prefer to do is set up a 3-5 main busses to "group" things
into. For example:

Main Bus A - Piano
Main Bus B - Guitar and Rythm pads
Main Bus C - Drums and percussion
Main Bus d - Lead Guitar/horns/fills
Main Bus E - Lead Vocal
Main Bus F - Background vocal
Main Bus G - FX mix

I then assign my tracks accordingly.

I will use the built in Track FX - EQ, Compression, Gate - for the
tracks as required.

Some scenarios for this type of a set up:

If I need some general reverb to cover the "mix" I set up an
assignable FX with a reverb or chorus and then send appropriate
ammounts from each track to the "send". I assign the "return" of the
FX bus G, the FX mix. Set the reverb plugin to output only wet, so I
can control the amount in the overall mix. This way the reverb
applies to the "mix" and not to a given part of the mix. If I need to
isolate a group for an effect, then I may set up a second assignable
FX for this reverb and select which tracks will go to it or remain
with the first. Again, the "return" on this second reverb is Bus G,
the FX mix.

If I need some added distortion or phase on a Guitar - or perhaps
some heavy compression - , I use an assignable FX and send only the
guitar track to it. I assign the return on this FX to Bus B and mix
it into the contribution with the main fader. If all I want is the
distored signal, I assign the FX on the guitar track as pre fader and
then set the track fader to inf. This way all you get out of main bus
B, is the distorted/fx'd signal.

Using assignable FX also allows me to control the amount being sent
using envelopes, which gives added flexabiltiy on a track by track

If I want to add some parametric EQ to the Piano, I would do a bus
insert on the main piano bus. This is post fader on the main bus, so
I must have the right mix to the main bus a before the signal hits
the EQ.

Maybe the drum sub mix really calls for a heavy gate. Use and main
bus insert here as well. If it is to much, set up a Assignable FX and
rout only the drum tracks to this "send" and set its return to the
drum submix bus.

The FX routing and bus routing is very flexible. There are some
limitation that a track insert would help solve - for example the
distortion on the guitar above would be post reverb if the guitar was
also being sent to the main reverb FX. There are work arounds though
for this type of a thing since any assignable FX can have chains of
FX. You could remove the contribution of the reverb send from the
guitar track and chain the same reverb after the distortion and then
use the same settings of the main reverb mix.


edward natale wrote:
>> i have to set up a different bus for each track
>>in order to apply direct x effects to each track
>>individually... my soundcard only has one stereo output so
>>how do i go about setting up different buses for each
>>track..? is that possible ? if do a apply effects
>>to individual tracks ? do i solo the track i want to apply
>>effects on and work like that ? that would suck because i
>>would like to hear the other tracks as i tweak the effect..
>>any help would be greatly appreciated...
>>thank you... - eddie -