new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 8:21 AM
Someone PLEASE HELP I have deadlines and can not do my work!
I am dealing with this terrible issue of videos that will not render and either Vegas CRASHES or I get a Blue screen of death and have to reboot Ad Nauseam.

I am running Vegas Pro 8.0c on a pretty quick AMD Athlon 6000+ w/4GB RAM.
Once upon a time I "never had a crash while rendering" NEVER!!! 100% reliability but now sadly this crashing only started a few months ago and I even reformatted my HD and reinstalled everything just to see if the problem would go away but it still prevails and I can not get my work done.

To make matters worse I just spent the 200 bucks to upgrade to Vegas 10 hoping it would solve this and guess what....
STILL CRASHING after 12% render time. No fun whatsoever!
BTW, all crashes happen anywhere between 12% - 20% of render time.


This is my last error report via the Event Viewer > Application

Source:.NET Runtime 2.0 Error
Error Event ID: 1000

Faulting application vegas80.exe, version, stamp 48c7daa4, faulting module wmvencod.dll, version 11.0.5721.5145, stamp 453711a8, debug? 0, fault address 0x000bb7a4.


I tried the CFF EXPLORER hack (the 2 gig memory switch) on all the posted dll's but no joy, just crashes!

I reset the memory flags to "greater than 2gig" :
wmfplug3 .dll


Thank you


new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 9:07 AM
Hi Dave, thanks Case is WIDE open! To me this has to software related as everything worked great concerning vegas/rendering and then one day it just refused to finalize my projects.

I do raise this question again...
Steve Mann wrote on 6/30/2011, 11:36 AM
You've not filled in your system specs in your profile, so we can only guess that since you tried running the memory fix that you're running XP.

You are leaving out a lot of additional information that anyone would need to help. Like what is the original media, what are you trying to "render to"? You say that you are running Vegas Pro 10, but the error you quote says Vegas 8.

Since you say that this problem started months ago (why didn't you fix it then?), is it coincident with any hardware or software installations? what is different from this project than one from the stable period?

But to answer your screaming question. No.

I have every Microsoft update and hotfix installed, and I have NewBlue FX and BCC7 plug-ins in Vegas.
johnmeyer wrote on 6/30/2011, 12:08 PM
Actually, I have to disagree with Steve. Your system specs probably don't matter much for this problem. Most Vegas rendering crashes, going back to earlier versions, are usually caused by one or more of the following:

1. Overheating. System specs don't provide any information on how your system is cooled, or whether it is clogged with cat hair, etc. You can install a very simple utility, like "realtemp" that will give you a continuous readout of your CPU temps. During rendering, the CPU is operating at full throttle, and this in turn causes it to get much hotter than when at idle. If it gets to its thermal maximum, the protection circuitry on the chip will shut it down, and you'll get a crash. If you find that you are operating close to the thermal maximum, you should clean out the vents in your computer. If you are over-clocking, put the clock speed back to factory specs. A quick & dirty way to do this is to select Max Battery (even though your computer isn't a laptop). This will throttle the CPU. Your render will be slower, but you can use this to test whether you can get further in the render.

2. Photos. In earlier versions of Vegas, putting large numbers of high-res photos (3000x2000 or larger) on the timeline was the most common cause of rendering crashes. This was supposedly fixed in Vegas 9.x, but I have not tested to see if some limits still exist. So, if you have lots of really large-resolution photos on the timeline, you might want to put those photos in your photo editor, and create lower-resolution versions. Substitute those for the ones on the timeline, and then try rendering again.

3. Plugins. The dirty little secret is that lots of plugins cause Vegas to crash. I have known for a long time which ones were problems, but have never posted because some of them are freeware or shareware, and I don't want to harm some of the people who give us such great products. Also, I don't know if the new plugin architecture in Vegas 10.x provides more protection against this. However, if you satisfy yourself that #1 and #2 don't apply in your case, this is the next thing I would look at.

Hope this helps!

new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 12:37 PM
Hi John, thanks for the insight! I really don't think Overheating is a problem but I will look into it.

Photos are a non-issue, besides I used to be able to render projects without any problems until a few months ago and the render process used to work like a charm!
Now I can not get past 20% without a crash.

Plugins? Interesting concept, not sure how to address this one? I don;t have too many VST's although I do have Pro Tools 8 installed which has a bunch of Plugins etc...

*But was once working with Vegas now does not?
new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 1:09 PM
Hi Steve, thank you as well for offering some assistance. In answer to your questions...

You've not filled in your system specs in your profile, so we can only guess that since you tried running the memory fix that you're running XP.
Actually I did, but just noticed there was a checkbox allowing the info to be posted so yes that is now present! :)

You are leaving out a lot of additional information that anyone would need to help. Like what is the original media, what are you trying to "render to"? You say that you are running Vegas Pro 10, but the error you quote says Vegas 8.
The original media is typically shot from older camcorder's and I use AutoGK to give me a usable .avi file which then I can edit in Vegas.
I have always rendered out to a .wmv file with no problems but upon numerous attempts that all result in a crash I have tested .avi, .mp4 and .wmv in various settings from low-to-hi quality. Yes the error quote does says Vegas 8 as that was the last one I had in the event viewer, I truly hoped by upgrading to Vegas Pro 10 the problems would go away (which they had not). I was rolling the dice and spent the 200 bones!

Anyways the Vegas Pro 10 seems to now have a crash report system that sends the errors to Sony but after 20-30 crashes I had not seen 1 event in the event viewer and it does reference NET Runtime 2.0 Error as the culprit over and over again which is why I question the Windows Updates and all the .NET versions I have installed.

BTW, My projects are usually less than 10 minutes as they end up being music related for YouTube so they are not enormous renders.

Since you say that this problem started months ago (why didn't you fix it then?), is it coincident with any hardware or software installations? what is different from this project than one from the stable period?

Yes I have been using Vegas Pro 8 for a few years with no probs whatsoever until a few months ago which then gave me the render issues but somehow each and every time after a bunch of tries I was able to get my project out the door and the render completed. Sadly now I can not get anything done so my back is "against the wall" and have to get this solved which is why I am now here! :)
The only thing that could possibly be different around here are Windows Updates, my software installs are the same as when things used to work months ago and I just reinstalled windows and have a brand new rebuild with even less of the apps I normally install. lol don't know?

I hope this helps a little bit, I can try my best to answer any Q if it will help me solve this.
johnmeyer wrote on 6/30/2011, 1:18 PM
But was once working with Vegas now does not? I understand. Each of the things I suggested could be different from before.

If you have an old project and its media, you can try rendering that and see if it works. If you get a crash, this would eliminate something in the files you are putting into Vegas. Lots of things change over time and if, for instance, you were using video from a new camera, it is possible that somehow (unlikely) this is causing a problem.

CPU temps can definitely change over time because of vent clogging and indeed this has been reported here and elsewhere from time to time.

As far as plugins, people add these all the time and, unfortunately, most people allow automatic upgrades and so these things can get changed "behind your back."

I ALWAYS recommend that people never allow any program (including Windows) to automatically update itself. If your computer is working, for goodness sake, don't change it! If you want to update, do it manually, and do it just after you have done a complete backup. FWIW, I have never updated any version of Windows on any of my computers except when I have had a specific problem (e.g., I couldn't read an 8 GB memory card, and I needed to add SDHC card support). As a result, I have never once had to consider or worry about some update or change that might be causing a problem, and I can spend my time troubleshooting other possible causes of whatever problem I may be having.

If you want other things to try, the usual troubleshooting steps are to strip down the computer and then start building it back up. To do this, run MSCONFIG, go to the Startup tab, and disable everything you see, unless you are absolutely certain you must have it running to use your computer. Then, disconnect everything from your computer except the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. This includes the network connection. After doing all this and re-booting, open a problem project and render. If it fails, you have eliminated a lot of possible causes and you can re-enable all the programs in MSCONFIG and re-connect your USB drives, etc. On the other hand, if you can render without a crash, then you have to start re-enabling programs in MSCONFIG and re-connecting peripherals until the crash starts happening again.
Steve Mann wrote on 6/30/2011, 2:06 PM
Ive been told that the "send to Sony" does not go to tech support, it is anonymized and sent to product engineering. Don't ever expect a response from that.

If you are getting a lot of .net errors, make sure you have all of the .net versions available for your version of XP. (You can use Belarc Advisor to see what versions of .net are installed. dot net versions do not supersede. Version 3 does not replace Version 2, etc. (Though V2 did replace V1).

But, you haven't said specifically what is the error that you are getting?

new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 2:07 PM
Good grief! lol I know the MSCONFIG process and know this is a long day doing that.

new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 2:14 PM
Thanks Steve, re: "But, you haven't said specifically what is the error that you are getting?" I actually did in the top of the first post.

Thank you for the .net info I will check but I think I have most of them according to what windows update has given availability to, service packs and all. Even put .net 4.0 on the other day.

This is my last error report via the Event Viewer > Application

Source:.NET Runtime 2.0 Error
Error Event ID: 1000

Faulting application vegas80.exe, version, stamp 48c7daa4, faulting module wmvencod.dll, version 11.0.5721.5145, stamp 453711a8, debug? 0, fault address 0x000bb7a4.


This was created when rendering to a .wmv as referenced by the .dll (wmvencod.dll)

When I tried for a .mp4 then the error was similar but the .dll changed referencing one that works for the .mp4 etc... (Same thing when I tried the Sony AVC.mp4 or .avi)

Does this make sense?
amendegw wrote on 6/30/2011, 2:36 PM
Message deleted by user who re-read the OP.

System Model: Alienware Area-51m R2
System: Windows 11 Home
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz, 3792 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Memory: 64.0 GB
Display Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super (8GB), Nvidia Studio Driver 527.56 Dec 2022)
Overclock Off

Display: 1920x1080 144 hertz
Storage (12TB Total):
OS Drive: PM981a NVMe SAMSUNG 2048GB
Data Drive1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 2TB
Data Drive2: Samsung SSD 870 QVO 8TB

USB: Thunderbolt 3 (USB Type-C) port Supports USB 3.2 Gen 2, DisplayPort 1.2, Thunderbolt 3

Canon R5
Canon R3
Sony A9

ReneH wrote on 6/30/2011, 4:08 PM
Try unionstalliing & reinstalling wmvplayer. Maybe that will help?
new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 4:39 PM
re: "Try unionstalliing & reinstalling wmvplayer. Maybe that will help?"
Not sure, because it also crashes on .mp4 & .avi and everything else.

johnmeyer wrote on 6/30/2011, 5:34 PM
Not sure, because it also crashes on .mp4 & .avi and everything else.Well, if your media player is crashing, then you certainly have other issues beyond Vegas.

One idea -- and this is not based on personal experience or knowledge but instead on what I've read here in these forums -- is that perhaps you have installed some sort of codec package like Super, ffdshow, etc. People have sometimes reported issues with these sorts of programs. I know that you reinstalled everything at some point, but after you did that, can you remember what else you added after that clean, fresh installation?

Another long shot would be video drivers. A long time ago (more than a decade ago), video card drivers were sometimes really buggy and could bring down a computer. Also, if you use drivers that are "close" but not exact matches to your hardware, you can get into trouble. Installing such drivers is a lot harder to do, now that nVidia and ATI have wizards to determine what drivers to install, but it is still possible.
Steve Mann wrote on 6/30/2011, 8:32 PM
"Faulting application vegas80.exe"

Are you using Vegas 8 or Vegas 10?
new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 10:25 PM
Hi John, re: "Well, if your media player is crashing, then you certainly have other issues beyond Vegas."

lol, no my WMP is not crashing whatsoever, it is Vegas trying to render a .wmv (or anything else for that matter).

I have installed Super but many months ago even with Super installed everything was fine and "up and running"!

Drivers? yeah one can never rule that one out huh?
new2Vegas wrote on 6/30/2011, 10:27 PM
Hi Steve, re: "Are you using Vegas 8 or Vegas 10?"
I guess now that I bought Vegas 10 upgrade it is fair to say "both"! lol
and yes both crash..... lol
Rob Franks wrote on 7/1/2011, 4:15 AM
"I get a Blue screen of death and have to reboot Ad Nauseam."

In my experience a blue screen is either a memory or a driver issue.
Steve Mann wrote on 7/1/2011, 6:41 AM
"and yes both crash"
Pick one and let's fix your PC. You can't just shotgun every problem and send people trying to help you in different directions.
Steve Mann wrote on 7/1/2011, 6:46 AM
"either Vegas CRASHES or I get a Blue screen of death and have to reboot Ad Nauseam."

Vegas is not crashing. Your PC is crashing while running Vegas.

BSOD covers a lot of problems. Usually an exception error or memory access error - frequently caused by using old drivers. But XT doesn't help you much in figuring it out. Look for the Windows System Log to see what processes were running when your PC last crashed. That might help.

Overheating can also cause a BSOD.
new2Vegas wrote on 7/1/2011, 9:43 PM
Folks i am not sure what to say except "THANK YOU" for all your awesome help here in this forum. I FIXED THE CRASHING ISSUE (at least for now, hope I did not speak to soon and jinx myself lol).

It is hard to pinpoint exactly what fixed this horrible experience but I did a few of the things suggested in this thread and lo and behold I can now render in both 8 & 10.

A few things I did was:

As a test I did try an .avi render, what was weird was the file blew up to over 4GB and stuttered frame by frame on playback?
I did have success getting a few .wmv's and a .mp4 out the door (files sizes were only 200MB, why the 4GB .avi mishap I don't know?) so thankfully I hit my deadlines. Bummer I spent the $200 on the VP10 upgrade but now I guess I am current.
What a serious headache, I never knew software could be so incredibly unstable.

Thanks again folks, I hope and pray my SONY software never freaks out like this again!
rs170a wrote on 7/1/2011, 10:08 PM
what was weird was the file blew up to over 4GB

Odds are that you rendered it uncompressed.

new2Vegas wrote on 7/1/2011, 10:13 PM
Yes in fact that is what I tried, an uncompressed .avi

Is it common that they stutter on playback? My pc is pretty fast, does the file corrupt or is it just overwhelming the system with its huge file-size?
Steve Mann wrote on 7/1/2011, 10:19 PM
"Is it common that they stutter on playback?"

On a dual-core running XP, probably.
rs170a wrote on 7/1/2011, 10:23 PM
My pc is pretty fast...

By today's standards, it's pretty slow.
