Vegas Pro Version 22 (Build 93) - Rendering Video - Audio Echo

Tarbee wrote on 8/13/2024, 3:45 PM

I have just moved to a new laptop - a Dell and have installed Vegas Pro version 22 (Build 93) I am having a problem with video audio after I have rendered the video. The audio sounds fine on the time line before I render it but after rendering it has a noticeable echo to it. I have not encountered this issue before and have used Vegas Pro for many years. I do 'Render As' and select typically Internet HD 720p x 25fps and have used other quality settings but to no avail. Does anyone know what could be causing this?


bvideo wrote on 8/13/2024, 11:25 PM

When you hear the echo, what player are you using? Could the player be adding an effect?

If you start a new Vegas project and put your newly rendered video alone into your project, do you hear an echo?

Tarbee wrote on 8/14/2024, 1:16 AM

I was using the VLC player and the 'stereo widener' was ticked, and this was causing the echo - so fixed by turning it off! Thank you very much for your input and solution bvideo, very much appreciated!

Reyfox wrote on 8/14/2024, 1:09 PM

I guess you can mark your last reply as the Solution!


Vegas Pro 22 (VP18-21 also installed)

Win 11 Pro always updated

AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16 cores / 32 threads

32GB DDR4 3200

Sapphire RX6700XT 12GB Driver: Pro 23.Q3

Gigabyte X570 Elite Motherboard

Panasonic G9, G7, FZ300

mark-y wrote on 8/14/2024, 1:18 PM


In Vegas Preferences, select the dedicated ASIO driver for your primary record/playback Audio Device.

Please do not use the default, usually Microsoft Sound Mapper, as it is the "kitdhen sink" of I/O drivers, with the predictable amount of garbage.

EricLNZ wrote on 8/14/2024, 6:34 PM

Please do not use the default, usually Microsoft Sound Mapper, as it is the "kitdhen sink" of I/O drivers, with the predictable amount of garbage.

@mark-y Please explain what you mean by "predictable amount of garbage".

mark-y wrote on 8/15/2024, 9:44 AM


I meant crosstalk from other open audio devices. His initial description of echo reminded me of that, where a duplex ASIO device is dedicated, and generally has lower latency. For a while, I got an echo from a CD Audio player when Mapper was selected.