Vegas Quake

Andy E wrote on 5/2/2009, 12:50 PM
For some time now, I've had a version of this that runs under Vegas Pro 8. I reverse-engineered the original (which I believe worked up to and including Vegas 7) and re-built it to run under Vegas Pro 8.

I've been totally unable to contact the author of the original version and it now appears than even his domain ( registration has expired and is due to be de-activated on 11th May.

If no-one objects, I would like to release it to the Vegas community since it seems a shame that a good tool should be allowed to "die".


rs170a wrote on 5/2/2009, 1:11 PM
Andy, I can only speak for myself but I'd be glad to see this tool again.
There have been several times in the past few months where folks have been looking for an updated version of it so I know there's a desire for it.

GregFlowers wrote on 5/2/2009, 2:52 PM
Please do release it! Just this past week I had to install Vegas 7 on my editing computer just for the purpose of using Quake. I was hoping someone would upgrade it for Vegas 8. Andy, between the deshaker upgrade and now this Quake upgrade, you are fast becoming the go to script guru for Vegas guys.
Harold Brown wrote on 5/2/2009, 7:23 PM
I just bought the NewBlue Sampler pack to get the Active Camera (Effect) because Quake doesn't work in 8. Oh, well the other effects look cool too. I used Quake from time to time and would love to be able to use it again in future versions of Vegas Pro. Thanks for taking a look Andy.
Jim H wrote on 5/2/2009, 8:10 PM
I can find no restrictive legends on any of the quake files nor evidence of the author for that matter. On the other hand, there is no open source type legend either.

If you please to make it available, I promise to return my copy should the original author complain.
freeLANCEr wrote on 5/3/2009, 1:32 PM
How do I get Vegas quake to work in Vegas Pro 8 as this was written for Vegas 5.

rs170a wrote on 5/3/2009, 6:04 PM
How do I get Vegas quake to work in Vegas Pro 8 as this was written for Vegas 5.

Right now you can't.
The Vegas Quake script does NOT work in Vegas 8.
It would have to be recompiled and the original author of it is no longer around.
That's why Andy is making his (very generous) offer.

Andy E wrote on 5/4/2009, 6:41 AM
Available for download from here:
Grazie wrote on 5/4/2009, 9:55 AM

Well, it HAS been a long time . . hasn't it?

Joe White wrote on 5/4/2009, 2:16 PM
Thank you so much.
freeLANCEr wrote on 5/4/2009, 2:30 PM
thanks so much Andy
Harold Brown wrote on 5/4/2009, 4:36 PM
rs170a wrote on 5/4/2009, 4:52 PM
Andy, thanks VERY much for doing this for the Vegas community!!

JJKizak wrote on 5/5/2009, 10:30 AM
Thanks. It works in 8.0c in Vista 64 bit also.
goodtimej wrote on 5/5/2009, 11:03 AM
I've been waiting for this. Thank you so much.
goodtimej wrote on 5/5/2009, 11:03 AM
I've been waiting for this. Thank you so much.