We've taken some of the veg files from the VASST tour and made them publically availble for free, plus will accept veg files for upload if you have something you'd like to share. http://www.sundancemediagroup.com/help/download.html
is the site address, enjoy them!
The film-strip thing looks great, but why not use track motion instead of the 3D plug-in? I mean, the 3D plug-in is great, but for 2D scaling and motion, I'd use track motion.
Cuz I didn't write that particular veg :-) I use track motion, seems to render faster too. But Hey! I just put up what people send...
You gonna send any?
I tried to duplicate that effect using track motion, but the second frame kept catching and overlapping the first, even though the motion keyframes are timed the same (relative to the image on a given track). What am I doing wrong?
Make sure you change the settings from PAL to NTSC. The settings of those two veg files are both PAL, so the project properties need to be set to NTSC. Also, right click the media, and change the media properties to NTSC pixel aspect. Otherwise your pix will look funny.
I used the 3D plugin for the filmstrip because the track motion accelerates and decelerates, even if I use linear. I've tried all and always had this effect. When the 3D plugin appeared I've tried and in few moments I've had the desired effect.
Another thing because I use the 3D plugin is because is easy to duplicate and is not necesary to duplicate keyfremes in the track, you only put the effect in the event and make the first keyframe and the last keyframe, save this on the presets and its all. You don't to position keyframes in the timeline. I hope my bad english explain this. ;-)
That's not on my webpage, unless you've got your browser set to translate to Spanish...And my Spanish is very poor. I don't know what you are referring too.
You must be trying to double click the file. If you don't have your admin services set correctly, you'll get this message. Choose FILE|OPEN and browse to where the file is, you'll find it will open correctly that way.
There are several new files for download on the sundance site, www.sundancemediagroup.com/help/download.htm
One is a 3D room, another is a 9 screen zoom in/out. Very creative and fun.
What happened to the vegas files page?
dara, if you are trying to double click the file, it means something isn't right in admin services if this won't open.
Or, you are using Vegas 3.0a or b. I had this trouble too.
Our apologies to anyone inconvenienced by our shutting down the veg site for a day. We have a hacker in our midst, and he/she'd wreaked some havoc in trying lots of passwords, and it caused some code to get fubar'd. It's fixed now, and the site is back up.
Thanks for visiting!