Vegas video up on the vimeo

Yoyodyne wrote on 6/10/2009, 12:59 PM
Video of an event I did for Freightliner. All put together in Vegas (used Vegas 7, played with 8 for a bit but had some issues and have not tried 9 yet.)

Anybody want to check this out? It's only a minute long. I think I'm really getting my moneys worth out of the Velvet Matter stuff :) or, I have gone beyond tastelessness...

Any feedback appreciated.

Doh, the link:


Jay Gladwell wrote on 6/10/2009, 1:13 PM

Looked good to me. Nice work!

erikd wrote on 6/10/2009, 1:15 PM
Nice job! You show a lot of skills in your piece. I liked almost all of the fx you used and thought the subtle lens flares were some of the best. My least favorite were the panning light rays as they seem to be the hardest to use without looking a bit tired. Excellent job and thanks for posting the video.

wjsd wrote on 6/10/2009, 6:25 PM
It's good in that it is short and to the point. No gratuitous shots or effects. Also, nicely synched with the music.
The Kid wrote on 6/11/2009, 8:17 AM
Very nice I like it
i c e wrote on 6/11/2009, 8:35 AM
I thought it was a very well done piece. (my connection isn't fast enough to play it smoothly but for what I could see...) I like the look of it, very classy.
I own a Freightliner and was please to see something that did these very well built machines justice...

take care,
