Very disappointed with the latest upgrade prices for Vegas Video 4 +DVD and this is the reason I’m moving on to Adobe premiere. I got the program and ready to get the plug-in from Pixelan for my new Adobe. I can’t believe Sonic Foundry has ignored their customer who purchased the 3D Plug-in pack that now is part of the version 40. I paid $139 and some change for it and they want me to pay $200 to upgrade to Version 4.0 and $400.00 to upgrade to version 4 + DVD. Not me brother I’m not going to pay all that money just to have new features like Bin in your version 4.0 I always used DVD IT PE form Sonic and very happy with and they are coming with new version 5 in march of this year and from what I heard they do appreciate their customers and they offering very reasonable upgrade price to their register users. Since Sonic Foundry are ignoring there Customers who purchased Plug-in Pack and 5.1 plug-in that now is part of Vegas Video 4.0 + DVD. paying all that money it is a big risk for me to a company in financial trouble.
Very disappointed with upgrade price for VV4 + DVD
wrote on 2/4/2003, 5:44 PM