Video File Size

wurldeator wrote on 1/20/2001, 5:41 PM
My avis that i capture from my DV camera are like 200 MB for only a 30sec -1min file. I'm wondering
what i am doing wrong. Also, the rendered AVIs that i make from my .veg files are pretty large and
they don't playback very well in Media Player.
Help would be appriciated. Thanks

ps - Can you get anything that will let you save to mpeg layer 1?


CDM wrote on 1/20/2001, 6:51 PM
Yup - .avi's are going to be about 230meg per minute, if
you're capturing from a DV camera as NTSC DV. It's about
3.78meg per second. Vegas 2.0b can render as Mpeg 1 and 2
quite nicely.


darrell mcindoe wrote:
>>My avis that i capture from my DV camera are like 200 MB
for only a 30sec -1min file. I'm wondering
>>what i am doing wrong. Also, the rendered AVIs that i
make from my .veg files are pretty large and
>>they don't playback very well in Media Player.
>>Help would be appriciated. Thanks
>>ps - Can you get anything that will let you save to mpeg
layer 1?