Video Flicker Effects

EpheMeroN wrote on 10/1/2003, 4:18 PM
First off please welcome me to the Forum Community.
This is my first post and I'm a proud VV user :-)
I want to add a video effect to my compilations that makes the video flicker on and off so it looks like it's gonna fade but doesn't or something that looks like a strobe-light if you know what I mean. I see it done on tv all the time where they replay something on a highlights sports show and the video flickers. It gives the video this intense appeal to it and I was curious to know if VV could handle this? I'm using VV 4.0c. Thanks a lot!


Jsnkc wrote on 10/1/2003, 4:27 PM
Try playing around with the Film effects video filter and the TV simulation filter. There is a lot of good stuff in there you make your videos look bad :)
Chienworks wrote on 10/1/2003, 4:30 PM
Welcome EpheMeroll! :)

You can insert a track composite level envelope (Insert / Video Envelopes / Track Composite Level). This will draw a thin blue line across the top of the track. You can pull this line down with the mouse to adjust the brightness of the video clip. Double-clicking on the line will add points that can be used to change the level from place to place along the line. You can add as many points as you wish and move them around. Depending on how closely you zoom in (use the Up arrow key), you can set the points to come as often as one every frame. You can then rapidly adjust the brightness up and down frame by frame to get the flicker effect you want.

The above method will flicker between full video brightness and black (or whatever video image you have on lower tracks). If you instead want to flicker to white as well as black, use a Track Fade Fade to Color envelope. This will do something similar, but let you fade to either black or white as you move the points around. The colors can also be changed to something other than black and white by right-mouse-button clicking on the track header (the block at the left edge of the screen with the track number and controls in it) and selecting Fade Colors.

Hope this does what you're looking for. If not, please feel free to ask more questions.
FadeToBlack wrote on 10/1/2003, 6:36 PM
kentwolf wrote on 10/1/2003, 7:34 PM

...has Spice Filters that will also do just what you want.

Excellent set of Vegas add-ons.