Video Noise / Grain

TheBatman64 wrote on 4/2/2009, 2:32 PM
Can anyone tell me if there is a way from within Vegas Pro 8 of reducing video noise grain from Sony AVCHD 1920x1080 video clips. I've tryed using a plug-in called Neat Video which I must admit is pretty good. The only problem is that when try to use the Batch Render Script in Vegas Pro to render 'clean' clips, Vegas Pro crashes. The question is, am I making things too complicated. Does Sony Vegas Pro 8 have it's own Video Noise Reduction Function and I just haven't found it!!!
Please please help. Many thanks


Robert W wrote on 4/2/2009, 4:00 PM
Unfortunately, Vegas 8 does not have a built in video noise reduction feature. Neat Video is probably the most practical option. You need to remember to check your frames are in sync though, as frame based will make the video late by the preset amount.
TheBatman64 wrote on 4/3/2009, 4:11 AM
Sorry to be a pain but can yoy please explain 'Frames in sync'?? Could this be the reason Vegas crashes??? Many thanks for your help
farss wrote on 4/3/2009, 5:20 AM
You could try Mike Crash's Dynamic Noise Reduction plugin. You can download it from here. It is free as are his other filters on that page.

Other ways to reduce noise using Vegas's tools:

Slightly crush blacks.
Median FX

Vegas has no temporal filters as such and they are generally the best at noise reduction. Use any noise reduction technique with care. Pushed too hard and they all produce nasty artifacts. One way to reduce noise in the camera is to reduce Detail / Sharpness.

Robert W wrote on 4/3/2009, 5:56 PM

Vegas has limitations in the way it can process frames. It means that when a plugin needs to examine adjacent frames, it has to hold frame A in memory and wait for Vegas to feed frame B, before it can compare them and process frame A and insert it where frame B should have been. That means that the video will be one frame behind where it should be in relation to the audio track. So you either have to push your audio on one frame, or pull your video back one frame.

I personally think that Neat Video is far superior to Mike Crash's plugin. The Crash plugin is not bad, but Neat Video is much better, and easier to use in a more transparent fashion.
fausseplanete wrote on 4/4/2009, 2:29 AM
Tip: To fix any video frames offset, sometimes (depending on context) it's easier to use audio delay FX rather than say slide the un-grouped audio event.

Some previous discussion:

Really wish V9 would sort that one...
TheBatman64 wrote on 4/4/2009, 10:46 AM
Many many thanks. That might explain a lot,,,