Okay, seeing as how nobody (including Sonic Foundry)
bothered to answer my previous post about the Video Preview
window that stopped working... I have investigated a bit on
my own and found out as follows.
I often work with several very short "music-to-picture"
projects. I get 20 different short animations in AVI
format, and add audio to them. Vegas is perfect for this.
Had it not been for the fact that the Video Preview window
occasionally stops working when I close my project and
start a new project.
I work with the Video Preview window open. I close the
current project, create a new project, insert the new
AVI... and the Video Preview window doesn't work. It's just
all black. Even switching it off and back on doesn't help.
However, if I make sure that I *close* the Video Preview
window before I close the old project and start a new
project - and THEN re-open the Video Preview window after I
have started the new project and inserted the new AVI file,
THEN it works fine.
So for some reason, the Video Preview window simply goes
black, if it is left on whilst closing a project and
starting a new one.
Occasionally I forget to close down the Video Preview
window before closing the project and starting a new one...
in which case, the only way I have found to get the Video
Preview working again is to uninstall and re-install Vegas!
To try to force the error, try this:
1. Start a new project, add an AVI animation to it. Switch
on the Video Preview window. Works fine.
2. Close the project.
3. Start a new project, bring a new AVI animation into a
new track. Play. The Video Preview now does not work!
4. Uninstall and reinstall Vegas. :-(. Everything works
fine again.
- Bjorn Lynne
(Computer games musicican and sound-designer)
bothered to answer my previous post about the Video Preview
window that stopped working... I have investigated a bit on
my own and found out as follows.
I often work with several very short "music-to-picture"
projects. I get 20 different short animations in AVI
format, and add audio to them. Vegas is perfect for this.
Had it not been for the fact that the Video Preview window
occasionally stops working when I close my project and
start a new project.
I work with the Video Preview window open. I close the
current project, create a new project, insert the new
AVI... and the Video Preview window doesn't work. It's just
all black. Even switching it off and back on doesn't help.
However, if I make sure that I *close* the Video Preview
window before I close the old project and start a new
project - and THEN re-open the Video Preview window after I
have started the new project and inserted the new AVI file,
THEN it works fine.
So for some reason, the Video Preview window simply goes
black, if it is left on whilst closing a project and
starting a new one.
Occasionally I forget to close down the Video Preview
window before closing the project and starting a new one...
in which case, the only way I have found to get the Video
Preview working again is to uninstall and re-install Vegas!
To try to force the error, try this:
1. Start a new project, add an AVI animation to it. Switch
on the Video Preview window. Works fine.
2. Close the project.
3. Start a new project, bring a new AVI animation into a
new track. Play. The Video Preview now does not work!
4. Uninstall and reinstall Vegas. :-(. Everything works
fine again.
- Bjorn Lynne
(Computer games musicican and sound-designer)