When choosing Fx affects in vegas I see the Prodad vitascene option, it gives me the choice of either opening in read mode or to register the product, when I choose the register option the included PID code refuses to register saying I must use another code , the one included does not work, Is the included Vitascene in vegas just a limited version or am I not unlocking additional features correctly...With my pinnacle Ultimate vitascene allowed me to register with the included PID code without any problem, not sure if Vegas offers the same option, any help would be appreciated....Also do I need to unlock any additional services in Vegas, or did they automatically unlock once my serial number was entered and registration was completed.... Not sure how much I will be using vitascene but I want to make sure I have all the options available in vegas up and running....Thanks
Vitascene in Vegas
wrote on 4/27/2008, 4:01 PM