VP 14 - Win10 out of memory problem


Grazie wrote on 10/22/2016, 9:37 AM


harald wrote on 10/22/2016, 11:49 AM

I just tried the newest version and I am happy: it seems the memory problems have been resolved; at least for me. The veg file now loaded properly w/o almost crashing Windows as before, and rendering worked too w/o the jitter problems I had with Vegas 13 when text was included.

What I do not quite get: why isn't this an automatic update? Why do we have to learn about this update via inofficial posts?

Well, I am glad and grateful that somebody did 😀

Soniclight-2.0 wrote on 11/25/2018, 3:45 PM

Extra Page File on Secondary Drive Did the Trick

I'm WAY late to the party here - 2 years, but my VP 10e never had a memory problem. Until yesterday where I go the Win7 Microsoft warning that I had run out of memory. Usually I never even get to half of my 16 gb DDR3 used even on a Vegas render.

But perhaps it is this particular project - most of it interlaced, and some of the clips I re-rendered at double FPS for pan-zoom-in for a slightly cleaner look. And due to my visual style, fx chains beyond the usual one or two fx.

I got a frustrated with the project and even abandoned it over a year ago due to really, really slow response while working on it - preview very sluggish. But when I returned to it yesterday, set to Draft Auto (which also used previously), seems like that problem went away.

Then came the out-of-memory thing.

So I applied what was suggested earlier on in this thread - add a decently large page file on one of my non-OS (SSD) drives. I rendered the entire project overnight -- no problems.

Hopefully this is permanent fix for fx and keyframes heavy projects...

astar wrote on 11/25/2018, 9:35 PM

I used to have a camera that recorded to .M2TS format in AVCHD. The audio was recording to AC-3 (which is actually MP3 audio in multi-track format) because the camera had an option for a surround microphone for multitrack audio. I always had errors in Vegas with the .M2TS (.MTS) formatted footage even with only 2 audio tracks.

My solution is to always re-wrap .M2TS files to .AVI using FFMPEG.

The FFMPEG command to rewrap the codec is:

ffmpeg -I <input-mts-filename>.mts -vcodec copy -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 <output-filename>.avi/.mov

This will copy the AVCHD codec as is, and covert the audio to PCM16bit@48Khz with 2 channels inside a .AVI or .MOV container. Change pcm_s16le to pcm_s24le for 24-bit audio.


Re-wrap to .MP4 is harder to get working through the versions of FFMPEG.

ffmpeg -I <input-mts-filename>.mts -vcodec copy -acodec pcm_s24le -ar 48000 -newaudio -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 48000 -newaudio -map_audio_channel 0:1:0:0:1:0 -map_audio_channel 0:1:1:0:2:0 <output-filename>.mp4


You could also convert right to ProRes with this command.

ffmpeg -i <input-filename>.mts -vcodec prores -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 48000 -ac 2 <output-Filename>.mov

Add -profile 2 or 3 to the command to get Normal or HQ

I believe the memory issues in the thread had to do with how Vegas was reading the audio portion of the file. Attempting to creating a large amount of AC-3/MP3 decoders to render each file or something like this, up until the memory was used up. QuickTime files seemed to have a similar error problem in Vegas until people just stopped using QuickTime.

.MP4 files did not have this problem.

klt wrote on 11/26/2018, 2:03 AM

This is history 😉

I remember had some major problems with Vegas14 too. That time I could replace fileio plugins of V14 from V13, and that solved all my problems. It was something about very slow project opening with containing m2ts, and also big memory usage. No crash however...