VP10 hangs when removing audio input bus LoTN wrote on 10/13/2010, 10:33 PM In the mixing console, add an input bus then remove it using the track header contextual menu. Here Vegas gets frozen. Can someone reproduce this ? Back to post
Comments MTuggy wrote on 10/13/2010, 10:38 PM Tried, but no freezing up. Mike LoTN wrote on 10/13/2010, 10:47 PM Thanks for your feedback, it looks like I have to dig into this a little bit more. ChristoC wrote on 10/14/2010, 2:14 AM I got a freeze and sudden exit just by adding an Input Channel. LoTN wrote on 10/14/2010, 10:08 AM Testing again. I am no longer able to reproduce these issues either in 2.0 or 5.1 mode... 8D 1