VP18 - Frames color corrupted if rendered in H265 with high bit rate

Tomccnya2 wrote on 1/20/2025, 5:55 PM

Some basic information:

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5600X


Ram: 32GB

OS: Windows 10 loT Enterprise LTSC (21H2)

Vegas Pro version 18



The original video (*.mp4) was game screen record by AMD's video card driver software Adrenalin Edition. Adrenalin version is 23.12.1.

Video was captured in 3440 X 1440 resolution (at 60 HZ) at 100 Mb/s bit rate, coded in HEVC (these settings was set in Adrenalin).

The original video (*.mp4) was good when played on Potplayer. VP18's previews was also good. However, when rendered in "MAGIX HEVC/AAC MP4" with bit rate (bps) 100,000,000 at frame rate of 60, some frames in the video (not all frames, just a few) corrupted just like the pictures shown below:


I also tried to reduce bit rate to 384,000 bps, the issue was still there.

Reduced bit rate to 300,000 bps and the issue was gone.


When did the issue happen:

Previously I used a monitor with 1920 X 1080 resolution at 60 HZ. The game videos were also captured at 100 Mb/s bit rate and coded in HEVC. I put them in Vegas Pro 18 and rendered to MAGIX HEVC/AAC MP4 at 1080p with 100,000,000 bps VBR. All rendered videos were good. No corruption.

A few weeks ago, I bought a new monitor (3440 X 1440 at 180 HZ max but I reduced to 60 HZ). I replaced the old 1080p monitor with the new 2.5K monitor, and the issue shows up.

I just replaced the monitor, no change to other elements such as Vegas Pro version, OS version, AMD Adrenalin version and BIOS version. No Windows update because I permanently disabled Windows Update.


What if rendered in H264:

Yes there is no issue when rendered in H264 (MAGIX AVC/ACC MP4) even in 100,000,000 bps bit rate (same 3440 X 1440 resolution, frame rate is 60).

But the details are blur when rendered in H264 so I prefer H265.


What if rendered in other resolution:

It's good when rendered in 1080p. No corruption.

The issue is still there if rendered in VP18's preset resolution of UHD 2160 (2840x2160).


Also tried:

  • Reduced rendering frame rate to 29.970 (NTSC).
  • Disabled GPU acceleration.
  • Enabled legacy HEVC decoding.
  • Enabled legacy GPU rendering.

The issue is still there.


RogerS wrote on 1/20/2025, 8:24 PM

Did you render it using MagixHEVC with Mainconcept or VCE? Perhaps try the other?

Tomccnya2 wrote on 1/20/2025, 11:26 PM

Did you render it using MagixHEVC with Mainconcept or VCE? Perhaps try the other?

In "MAGIX HEVC/ACC MP4" it provides only "Intel QSV" and "AMD VCE". I did try the "Intel QSV" and it was worse.

The "Mainconcept" is only available in "MAGIX AVC/ACC MP4".

RogerS wrote on 1/21/2025, 12:47 AM

I see. In newer versions of VEGAS there is also a Mainconcept MagixHEVC option. I uninstalled 18 a while ago so can't test it directly.

As a workaround you could try rendering from VEGAS through a tool like Voukoder Classic to VCE/h265. The software became paid software recently but there should be downloads of the Classic one and connector for VP 18 somewhere.