VP19 Audio envelope lag

Den24601 wrote on 8/18/2021, 4:04 PM

When selecting an audio envelope in VP19, I'm seeing a 4 to 7 second lag (maybe more at times) between clicking and selection. I see no lag when selecting various audio envelopes in VP18. In VP18, when I click an audio envelope, it's immediately selected. Anyone else seeing this lag? I don't have a lag with VP15 either, but it very noticeable with VP19.

Also, I'm trying to adjust the track colors, which appear garish on my laptop's screen, to look more like the muted track colors on VP18. Is there any way to adjust the track color intensity? VP19's strong colors makes it difficult to view waveforms. In general, I much prefer the color scheme used by VP18 and would like to carry that forward. Is there any way of doing this?



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