VP19 Where is the Auto Color Balance go? BruceUSA wrote on 10/20/2021, 11:54 AM Please see screen shot of VP18 & VP19. Where is the auto color balance go? I can't find it. Back to post
Comments gary-rebholz wrote on 10/20/2021, 12:15 PM @BruceUSA It's the next button off the right edge of your screen shot--the Auto Adjustments button. Click its drop-down arrow for all of your options. frmax wrote on 10/20/2021, 12:24 PM Maybe this helps: frmax wrote on 10/20/2021, 12:25 PM Gary was first.... BruceUSA wrote on 10/20/2021, 1:01 PM Ah got it. Thank you both for the help. Much appreciated. 1