I occasionally get 180 degree rotated videos, for some baffling reasons, but lately because I have two cameras mounted on one tripod both using USB-C plug-in mics. Until another mount adapter arrives, the one that is a phone has to be rotated 180 degrees so the USB mic doesn't obstruct the other camera.
I figured out two methods to rotate them to the correct orientation. Both seem to take about the same rendering time (about twice the duration of the video).
1) First method used was to click on the fx icon in the video timeline and select Scene Rotation. I am doing something wrong (aside from getting lost) because sometimes I get a wide view with rotation options around X & Y axis, and other times I get a large video frame view with crop, offset and rotation options. Second discovered method was to simply right click on the single video frame preview and rotate 90 degrees twice. About half (4 of 9) the videos did not rotate. I had only checked a couple to verify they did rotate, but I found a way to foul it up. I think I had this problem earlier when correcting camera orientation by a couple degrees. I seem to have a problem determining how to 'apply' an edit step I set up. I am apparently missing a step because I don't know what makes the change 'active'. There is no preview of the edit process (plugin?) chosen, so I go right to Render-As.
Am I revealing above a step I keep forgetting between entering the plugin options and 'applying' them before Rendering-As?
2) Is rendering necessary? Save and Save As only seem to allow a project form like .veg .
Thank you