
Greg_M wrote on 12/6/2008, 7:23 PM

From an earlier post.

It is not as simple as some wrappers but it seems to work pretty well.

xzb6np wrote on 9/30/2009, 12:17 PM
Have been on the hunt for a VST wrapper that actually works. I have tried the following with the SweatBoy Volcano Limiter VST at this point with the following results:

1. Spin Audio's VST-DX Wrapper 1.0: Effects work but the Gui meters do not update while playing audio unless I click and hold on one of the Gui controls. Also limited to one effect and I can't find the Pro version anywhere

2. Directixer 2.5: Looked really awesome. Runs multiple effects but cause CDA to become unresponsive (100% cpu also) as soon as I hit the stop or FF, or REW transport buttons. Unfortunatly I paid the $44 before I found tha out.

3. Effectchainer: GUI runs great, audio runs great but after you save and exit CDA you can't reload your project. It causes CDA to crash.

So I have stuck out so far. Has anyone tried the Cakewalk wrapper?

Weka wrote on 10/1/2009, 11:57 PM
Yip. I've installed the Cakewalk VST wrapper and it works like a bought one. Except it isn't a bought one. It's the VST wrapper that came with Sonar version 3. I simply installed that and ... problem solved. If you don't have an old copy of Sonar ...
xzb6np wrote on 10/2/2009, 7:45 AM
Does it work when you install a effect in the mastering effects chain? I have found out that the mastering chain causes the problem. Some of the wrappers work fine in the effects chain but not in mastering.
Weka wrote on 10/2/2009, 9:58 AM
I use the RA-labs PLParEQ3 in the out chain and it works fine. It's a huge hog and does delay the start of playback by a half second or so, but it does work with the wrapper. So I guess anything would.
xzb6np wrote on 10/2/2009, 11:16 AM
Thanks. I wish they had a demo version of the wrapper that I could try out. I sent them an email specifically asking if they would refund my money if it didn't work. I haven't gotten a response yet.
Weka wrote on 10/2/2009, 7:22 PM
LOL! You GOTTA let me know what they say :-)
xzb6np wrote on 10/10/2009, 4:36 AM
Here are the results of my search for a VST to DX wrapper to use with CD Architect.

I bit the bullet and tried the very last one I could find which was the $59 Cakewalk adapter and it works perfect! Even in the mastering chain. All the other wrappers that I listed at the beginning of this message list had a problem in some area.

I have tested many of my VSTs and have not found a single one that the Cakewalk adapter does not work with.

Also I sent a letter to my CC company disputing the $44 that I paid for the Directixer wrapper. The developer does not return emails nor does the company that handled the transaction. The only developer/support group that every replied to my inquiries was the "Console wrapper" developers and they said that it did not work with CD Architect.
xzb6np wrote on 10/10/2009, 4:38 AM
One last thing. The Cakewalk support team also responded back to my email. They said that they did not have a demo version but that their wrapper would work with any DX host. Based on that I purchased it as describe previously and it works perfectly.
Weka wrote on 10/10/2009, 6:50 PM
Great. I had no doubt it would work. It was the bit about refunding your money if it didn't that triggered my curiosity :-)
xzb6np wrote on 10/11/2009, 4:22 PM
Ya I figured if it didn't work and they wouldn't refund the money then I would dispute it with my CC like I did on the other one.