VV3.0 to 4.0 +DVD upgrade

abm wrote on 9/3/2003, 1:58 PM
Hi all, I'm looking at uprading from VV 3.0 (and using Ulead DVD Workshop 1.0 for authoring and burning) TO the more all-inclusive VV 4.0 + DVD to try to confine all my DVD projects to one family of products, rather than have to use VV 3.0 for editing and rendering AND THEN working with ULEAD Workshop for authoring and burning.

Before I shell out about $400 for the upgrade to VV 4.0 +DVD, does anyone have any good solid reports on the overall quality of the SoFo 4.0 + DVD, either positive or negative that could help me in my decision?

Frankly, it's not even the $$ that I'm concerned about. Rather, it's an issue of trying to avoid compatiblity problems with my system hardware and software, after I perform an upgrade (I know many of you are familar with this kind of situation).

I run windows XP Professional with an M-Audio Quattro 4-Channel Sound Card, a 1gig CPU, 128Meg Ram, 80gig HD and a Pioneer 103 DVD burner capable of various formats such as -R and +R.

Any advice would be helpful, please.


Jsnkc wrote on 9/3/2003, 2:01 PM
I thing you might want to check the specs on your Pionner 103 burner, it doesn't do the +R format. The only Pioneer drive capable of the +R is the A06.
abm wrote on 9/3/2003, 4:57 PM
Thanks. You are correct.
CasaLoma wrote on 9/4/2003, 2:53 PM
I have heard of specific issues surrounding the A03 and DVD Architect ie DVDs that dont play smoothly or are glitchy. The user interface of DVDA I hear is cool but its is version 1.0. You still have to render your projects from Vegas to get them into DVD-A (for the final output anyway) I currently use DVD Complete from Dazzle (now Pinnacle) for my simple projects, which when rendered correctly from Vegas, require NO resampling or rebuilding. I can build, and burn a project in under 30 minutes..including lables for the DVD case and disc. Complex projects, I use REEL DVD which is the ultimate solution but each project requires some rather time intensive processes (making buttons, backgrounds, mini clips for transitions)...since Reel is only an assembly / authoring package and not a media generator like DVDA or Dazzle. But you get the ultimate in creative control and an AC3 encoder (5.1 compatible) and multiple audio tracks to boot. The price has come down on Reel DVD (well under $1000) and its very stable with XP pro and the A03.
I would go for the upgrade to VV4 only and hold off on the DVDA. VV4 has been excellent.
my 2cents