
SonyJEV wrote on 7/27/2004, 9:36 AM
Unfortunately there is no fast, safe, way to detect what plug-ins support automation.

We need to actually load the plug-in and ask if it supports automation.

Some plug-ins launch dialogs for demo mode/registration or go through slow and painful copy protection checks and generally would make the scan very very slow and likely unstable.

So we never test for automation capabilities until the user adds the plug-in to a project.

Unfortunately this information doesn't migrate between versions so when you install a new version you will only have plug-ins that are installed with the app in the in automatable folder (since we know what plug-ins we ship with and what they can do and that they won't cause any headaches if we "shake" them).

So rest assured, your Waves plug-ins still work with automation and as you use them they will populate the automatable folder.

Streak wrote on 7/27/2004, 9:53 AM
Thanks for the response. All is good in plug in land.