My recent experience with the FireStudio Tube is making me want to consider another audio interface (I'm currently using the Firepod with great success for 4 years) for monitoring flexibilty. The Firestudio Tube has a great "Fire Control" panel that makes setting up multiple monitor mixes for musicians very easy. All in software.
Unfortunately the Firestudio Tube was (is) very unstable at this point in time with VP8. I'm wondering what hardware recording interfaces people using VP8 are using and how they handle monitor mixes?
For a brief second I even considered a new software for audio work such as Cubase or something just to find something that would work NOW with the Firestudio Tube. But I really have no major gripes with VP8. I like it.
- Mark
Unfortunately the Firestudio Tube was (is) very unstable at this point in time with VP8. I'm wondering what hardware recording interfaces people using VP8 are using and how they handle monitor mixes?
For a brief second I even considered a new software for audio work such as Cubase or something just to find something that would work NOW with the Firestudio Tube. But I really have no major gripes with VP8. I like it.
- Mark