I keep hearing about it but danged if I can find it and the online help says naught as well.
I setup a 5.1 project, fathomed out how the panning works etc and rendered out a 5.1 ac3 file. Nothing new here, Vegas has been able to do this for ages.
I then opened a new V9.0a project, set audio to 5.1 and attempted to get the ac3 file onto the timeline. That refused to work. I sent the ac3 file to the trimmer and the best it could manage was "Media Offline". I could add the ac3 file to the Project Media. R Clicking the file reveals 'media attributes could not be determined'.
What I expected Vegas to do was decode the ac3 and give me x tracks of audio that I could verify or mix. Apart from wanting to see this new feature in action I may have a practical use for it. Oddly enough some master tapes contain Dolby Digital with no stereo mixdown tracks. If the need arises to mix these with some VOs it would be mighty handy to be able to handle it natively. I'm hoping to join a lot of dots I know.
I setup a 5.1 project, fathomed out how the panning works etc and rendered out a 5.1 ac3 file. Nothing new here, Vegas has been able to do this for ages.
I then opened a new V9.0a project, set audio to 5.1 and attempted to get the ac3 file onto the timeline. That refused to work. I sent the ac3 file to the trimmer and the best it could manage was "Media Offline". I could add the ac3 file to the Project Media. R Clicking the file reveals 'media attributes could not be determined'.
What I expected Vegas to do was decode the ac3 and give me x tracks of audio that I could verify or mix. Apart from wanting to see this new feature in action I may have a practical use for it. Oddly enough some master tapes contain Dolby Digital with no stereo mixdown tracks. If the need arises to mix these with some VOs it would be mighty handy to be able to handle it natively. I'm hoping to join a lot of dots I know.