Why are markers not transferred over to DVDA?

Terry Esslinger wrote on 12/16/2007, 5:06 PM
Doing a group of 8 short (4 min) videos all captured as one avi. Placed chapter markers (M) at appropriate places. Rendered as Masin concept MPG2. DVDA did not recognize the markers for menu purposes. Because of wortkflow I do not want to render as separate 4 minute segments. Yes I did mark the save project markersin media file and the make I frames at every marker boxes. I did a work around by adding the chapter markers manually in DVDA but I have more of these to do and it would make life easier if they would transfer like I think they are supposed to.
Using V7


rs170a wrote on 12/16/2007, 5:51 PM
Did you try the "Load Markers" option in DVDA?
It's just above the timeline when you're looking at a file you've loaded in.

Terry Esslinger wrote on 12/16/2007, 6:10 PM
Thanks for the idea. I did try that and I did not see anything happen. Not sure what, if anything, that it did.
DJPadre wrote on 12/16/2007, 7:39 PM
DVDA 2 used to load in markers as chapter points automatically.

This made marker/chapter creation easier during the edit stage as Vegas was far more responsive to frame scrubbing that DVDA.
You cold set a marker to be frame accurate within vegas and then, simply throw that footage into DVDA whereby those markers are chapters.
From there, you simply right click and insert scene selection and it would automatically set those markers to that menu option weven using the orifinal marker/chapter names

This was a great feature which i dont understand the reason why it was omitted from 3 and 4

Now i spend a further 7 to 10 minutes doing this in DVDA when in Vegas, it was as fast as I edit a marker point

PeterWright wrote on 12/16/2007, 8:10 PM
DJPadre - I have always used Markers in Vegas through to Chapters in DVDA, and it still works in DVDA 4.5
DJPadre wrote on 12/16/2007, 9:48 PM
not for me.. and obviously not for many other ppl also...
MichaelS wrote on 12/16/2007, 10:19 PM
I may be relaying the obvious.

In the "Render As" window, do you have the "Save Project Markers In Media File" checked? It should be.

My markers always transfer to DVDA with no problem.
DJPadre wrote on 12/17/2007, 4:41 AM
yeah dude... u forget i train ppl on Vegas and DVDA.. ;)
rs170a wrote on 12/17/2007, 5:33 AM
DJ, I just finished rendering a 70 min. project with 25 markers.
I tried DVDA 4 & 4.5 and all markers showed up in both cases.

DJPadre wrote on 12/17/2007, 7:21 AM
im not saying it doesnt work across the board, im saying that there are many of us who cant get this kind of activity happe

MRe wrote on 12/17/2007, 7:25 AM
DJ: what format / template you use for rendering from VP to DVDA? For some reason not all formats do carry the marker info (or DVDA cannot extract it). Std. AVI does, though.
jetdv wrote on 12/17/2007, 7:38 AM
Did you move the file to a different folder before opening in DVD Architect? The marker information is stored in a separate file.
Terry Esslinger wrote on 12/17/2007, 11:31 AM
If your project is using nested veg files with markers in the original, are they supposed to transfer?
So far have not been able to get the markers to transfer.
jetdv wrote on 12/17/2007, 12:29 PM
If your project is using nested veg files with markers in the original, are they supposed to transfer?

No. You would need to use the "Promote Media Markers" script first.
Terry Esslinger wrote on 12/17/2007, 9:46 PM
Thanks to an email from Johnmeyer who saw my post here I have been able to figure out how to get the markers recognized. Thank you. You are a true gentleman!
nolonemo wrote on 12/18/2007, 10:13 AM
Terry, let us know what John told you, I am interested in this issue.

Terry Esslinger wrote on 12/18/2007, 10:42 AM
If John gives me permission to pass on the information I will. He did not post an answer herie for a reason.