Why does track FX need rendering when set to zero/default

HPV wrote on 1/27/2004, 4:55 PM
Wondering why Vegas needs to render track FX when they aren't doing anything to the video. Put a FX at track level and set to none and Vegas will need to render. Event FX don't act this way.
BTW, this can really mess with your render times if you don't know about it. Easy work around is to use FX at event level or only put events on a track that need the track FX.

Craig H.


Spot|DSE wrote on 1/27/2004, 5:22 PM
Because it's still inserted. I'm seeing Track events rendering too.
Most of the time, using FX on events is desirable vs at track level. The only thing I ever use on Preview is the Broadcast clamp, and occasionally a film effect.
Color correction is usually done at the event level...
HPV wrote on 1/27/2004, 7:27 PM
Spot, why does an event FX not do the same thing then? It's not a big issue now that we have paste event attributes (with limits, but FX chains covers most of that). Just seems that if event FX doesn't need to render at zero/none then track FX shouldn't either. BTW, Track Motion doesn't render at zero/none. Part question, part heads up to fellow editors
Craig H.
SonyEPM wrote on 1/28/2004, 6:12 AM
Event level fx need to be rendered even if the plug-in's values are set to zero. If you are not seeing that, please post a step by step repro for us- thanks.
HPV wrote on 1/28/2004, 9:21 AM
Event level fx need to be rendered even if the plug-in's values are set to zero.
Wow, somehow it didn't seem that way yesterday. Testing now, it does show that event level FX do render set at zero. It is really fast though, one second for one second. Must of missed the green render bar on top. My bad. Sorry about that.

Craig H.