Sorry, if this has already been asked, but will the new DVD2 support the new generation of dual-layer DVD burners coming out next month? I am worried that I might buy the DVD2 package and not be able to burn anything on the new generation of dual-layer burners. Are my worries unfounded?
I'm sure that DVDA2 will work just fine on the new dual-layer burners... if you're burning single-layer discs. :-)
Seriously, dual-layer burning is in its infancy right now, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if DVDA2 didn't support it. I'd further bet that only a handful of DVD authoring apps will actually support them right away, those being the higher-end ultra-professional authoring applications (i.e. Sonic Scenarist). DVDA would probably need another upgrade to handle the nuances of dual-layer authoring (the handling of the layer break, for starters).
Personally, I'm going to let others shed blood while dancing on the bleeding edge, and wait to see how this new tech shakes out before committing to it.
I would guess since Sony will be coming out with a dual layer burner real soon now that DVDA2 will have support with a DVDA2b patch or similar.
Has anyone created a DVDA project that is over the 4.3/4.7GB size of a single layer DVD? If DVD2A didn't support the dual layer burn but you could make a project that is 8.6/9.4GB you could burn with another app.
"Seriously, dual-layer burning is in its infancy right now, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if DVDA2 didn't support it. I'd further bet that only a handful of DVD authoring apps will actually support them right away, those being the higher-end ultra-professional authoring applications (i.e. Sonic Scenarist). DVDA would probably need another upgrade to handle the nuances of dual-layer authoring (the handling of the layer break, for starters)."
Encore does this already and it did as of version 1.
"Encore does this already and it did as of version 1."
Then anyone who needs dual-layer burning should definitely shell out the money for Encore. Myself, as I said before, I have no interest in cutting myself on the bleeding edge, so I'm in no hurry for DVDA to include this useless (for me) feature.
Just pointing out that your further bet is wrong as it is currently possible. Even Nero supports dual layer burning and the drives havent hit the shelves yet.
Weeeellllll, Nero is a burning program, not a DVD authoring application, so I'd expect it to support dual-layer drives ASAP. :)
There's more to authoring a dual-layer DVD, however, than the ability to burn the disc (handling the layer break, for one thing, which I've heard can be tricky; there may be others, but I'm not well-versed in the nuances of the DVD format so I can't really say). Handling these nuances may or may not be an easy thing to add to DVDA2 in a future upgrade; I suppose we'll have to wait and see.
The new Sony drive will come with Nero 6.x with support for dual-layer burns.
DVDA lets you determine the maximum project size manually in preferences.
Worst case is that you'd need to use Nero to burn your project until DVDA has built-in support. (I've been burning all my DVDs outside of DVDA for some time now -- I had better compatibility that way. My guess is that this has been fixed now, but old habits die hard.)
Most likely case, is that the DVDA team has a dual-layer drive in their hands now (or will soon) for testing and will support it with an update. Based on Sony's current enthusiasm for the old SoFo products, I would be pretty surprised if they don't support their new drive with an update.
Exactly. Like I said in previous posts, though, the tricky part for DVDA2 will be in handling the layer break. Having never authored a dual-layer disc, I don't know if this is automatic or is something that the user needs to have a hand in (or both). If it's all automatic, then a future letter or point release might add dual-layer to DVDA2, given as you said Sony's enthusiasm for both dual-layer and SoFo's former products.
I could be wrong but doesnt dual layer dvds have to be burned with equal amount of data on both layers? If so, then it would make sense to have DVDA2 insert the break automatically.
That does sound about right. If so, DVDA2 would indeed have to calculate how much data to burn onto each layer, and create the files accordingly. And all the user would have to see in DVDA is a "9.4 GB" (or whatever) selection added to the "disk size" drop-down. :-)