Hello Sony Vegas Team,
When will you make use of the full power of today's computing by acknowledging and using SLI MULTIPLE GPU systems, or even acknowledge and use the GPU on single GPU card systems like other NLE systems are starting to do? It would certainly increase the framerate when using the preview, which is the most important part of editing.
9.0a does fix some of the choppiness of 9.0 which made editing simply impossible on time-lines with multiple effects, but accessing the GPU or SLI configurations would make it smooth as butter.
Doesn't it seem a bit bizarre that a NLE would ignore this technology which can do nothing but enhance the performance of their software?
Will this feature ever be addressed?
When will you make use of the full power of today's computing by acknowledging and using SLI MULTIPLE GPU systems, or even acknowledge and use the GPU on single GPU card systems like other NLE systems are starting to do? It would certainly increase the framerate when using the preview, which is the most important part of editing.
9.0a does fix some of the choppiness of 9.0 which made editing simply impossible on time-lines with multiple effects, but accessing the GPU or SLI configurations would make it smooth as butter.
Doesn't it seem a bit bizarre that a NLE would ignore this technology which can do nothing but enhance the performance of their software?
Will this feature ever be addressed?