
SonyEPM wrote on 12/5/2001, 1:52 PM
I've been running 98SE (internally, as a dual boot) since before Vegas 2 was released- no probs. I much prefer Win2k though, especially for video.
mayberryman wrote on 12/5/2001, 4:45 PM
That message caught my eye also (at posted hours before your post here.

However, the poster indicated he began his saga in March (well before VV3 release). Don't know if this fact applies...but I'm making the jump from Ulead to VV3.0 (ordered last week..waiting for delivery next week). I certainly HOPE there's no inherent difficulty using VV3.0 and win98SE.

Can anyone share their experiences on this issue?
SHTUNOT wrote on 12/5/2001, 5:28 PM name is EDDIE[shtunot] and I posted those complaints about using win98se with vegas 3. I posted at both forums so that I could get the most help and try to figure out how/why/because/what/etc... was going on in my setup. I had reinstalled win98se over the last one recently,got all the updates,DX8.1,etc... I like to feel that I'm pretty competent a computer user and at working around most problems. I wasn't of course trying to smear vegas 3...its just that vegas 2 never screwed with me like this. All I did at one point was to click in the work area to start playback, pressed the spacebar and WHAM! locked up and neeed a crtl+alt+delete to reboot and start over. I'm not kidding you guys...MY .VEG FILES ARE BECOMING CORRUPTED!!!! For no reason...If it hasn't happened to you god bless but don't count me out either. It seems to happen when I have vegas open the last project at startup. I remember when I clicked on a .wav file in the media tab, it did't have focus yet[the above trackview/timeline was]. So I went quickly and did my usual drag and drop a file into the timeline which I had a empty audio track waiting for it.Not noticing that I didn't click twice to bring the focus into the media tab I went through the motion with no audio moved[you see a box representing a audio wave or video event...etc]. At that point my computer screen froze,needed a reboot. When I reopened the very same file all hell had broken loose and even the project that I saved with an integer offset was screwed also[ie:EBS,EBS1].Just lucky I me I don't wish these problems on noone. Tech support gave me a rundown of what was needed and I will comply quickly to send them all my info.

SonicEPM: 1. Did you have outlook express6,IE6,aol instant messenger[not the full version of aol],Win Zip on your system...would it make a difference yes or no.
2. Did you have any other audio software like cubase also on the system.[mine does 3.7 v2]

I would like to know if having my computer setup for audio might screw up something with a video type program. The only setting I could think of was that I have my "VCACHE" set to maxfilecache/minfilecache 16384. Its in the system.ini. page. I'll keep up at it and post more later. I'm a big supporter of vegas products and can hardly wait to get the audio upgrade this coming january[or so]. I can hardly wait to be the first with all my audio tracks to rearrage themselves at different bit depths and sampling rates"spontaneously".Just kidding. Good luck to you all. I hope that none of you see the horrors I've seen. :) Later.
Chienworks wrote on 12/5/2001, 5:58 PM
I've run both the Vegas Video 3.0 beta and demo pretty heavily on my
Windows 98SE system. The only difficulty i've run into is that once in a
while the program will display the splash screen and never get any
farther. I'll do the Ctrl-Alt-Del thing to kill it, then try again and it comes
up. This probably happens about once out every 15 launches or so. Not
a huge problem, but still an annoyance.

I'm praying my Christmas bonus comes in before the 24th! :)