Won't stop building audio proxies. Please help

goodtimej wrote on 10/7/2010, 11:49 PM
I have a very large project I am working on, about 80 hours through, and I am getting myself pretty cheesed over something that has started happening.

SD 4:3 NTSC DV Project.

Everytime I have opened this project for the last couple days, it builds audio proxy files for the two longest single files I have in it. This takes about 10 minutes at least. Now this project has AVCHD, .m2t files and SD .avi files in it. Only 2 of the files are having me do this, and they are the SD .avi files that I captured with Vegas' capture utility which I never have had a prob with before. It gives me a message in the status bar lower left hand corner that reads like below:

"Building audio proxy for efadA 2010_08_01_14_59_21.avi}(1)[0][26767407333][1]"

I have a file that is named similar up until the .avi part, all the extra stuff in brackets is not part of my file name. Also, and I am sure this has a lot to do with it, on some parts of the audio files that are building proxies, I have the audio reversed. Not super large sections reversed, but sparsely populated through the 1 hour timeline. So these long .avi's are basically being cut up and placed with the other footage.

I do have some of the .m2t and AVCHD footage reversed, though and it doesn't build proxies for those.

This isn't something that was occuring from the start, this just started happening out of seemingly nowhere. Is there any way to get around this, make it stop happening or do you maybe have any idea what happened?

Any help would be mega appreciated!


fldave wrote on 10/8/2010, 5:01 AM
I had a very large project a couple of years ago, mainly in Vegas 7, but Vegas 8 was released in the middle of it. I used Vegas 8 for some audio work on a few files periodically. The audio peak files had to be rebuilt every time I switched between the two versions of Vegas, seemed like the peak files were not compatible.

Those were peak files, but proxies I thought were from using nested veg files in a project. And I had those rebuilt quite frequently it seemed.
PeterDuke wrote on 10/8/2010, 5:31 AM
What version of Vegas? Could be a memory problem. Are you using 64 bit?

It pays to work on a big project in small manageable sections, no more than say 1 hour each, and then combine them at the end. If you have to move stuff around then that can get a bit messy I know. Choose your poison.
goodtimej wrote on 10/8/2010, 9:50 AM
I am using 64 bit. What do you mean it could be a memory problem?
PeterDuke wrote on 10/8/2010, 11:04 PM
Video editors tend to have problems when RAM is too small and they have to use virtual (disk) memory. Some people blame Windows, others the video editor and others again the hardware. I switched to Vegas because it seemed more stable than previous editors, but it is not bullet proof.

Since you are using 64 bit Windows I presume that you have much more than the 3 GB that 32 bit Windows can use.

I have 12 GB RAM and i7/920 CPU but I don't try to edit more than about 1-2 hours at a time otherwise response time slows down.
ushere wrote on 10/8/2010, 11:40 PM
peter, i presume you're talking about avchd?

i often edit long tl's all day, upwards of 300>400 clips, wav, png's, etc., without a hitch - but my footage is all hdv....

win7/64/i7-920/6gb ram.
farss wrote on 10/9/2010, 2:17 AM
Vegas builds audio proxies for a couple of reasons:

1) I you're using 12bit 32KHz audio. Is it possible your AVI files contain such audio. If so smart rendering them to new AVI files with 16/48KHz audio might alleviate your problem.

2) When you reverse audio. You say you're doing this, perhaps rendering out the reversed audio to a new file might cure your problem.

Sorry I cannot offer a specific diagnosis, hopefully one of my suggestions will get you out of the woods.

PeterDuke wrote on 10/9/2010, 3:12 AM
"peter, i presume you're talking about avchd?"

No. Currently I am editing DV AVI (as easy as it gets!). Clips are often only a few seconds long, so I may get high hundreds of clips per hour. I think it could be the number of clips rather than the total duration that is the problem.

I am using Vegas Pro 9c 64 bit & Win 7 Pro.
Chienworks wrote on 10/9/2010, 4:38 AM
Not so much a solution as an avoidance ... why do you keep opening the project so often? When i'm working on a project i tend to leave it open until i'm done. I save often, yes. But many times the project .veg file never gets opened.
Laurence wrote on 10/9/2010, 4:48 AM
So you suggest that he do a whole large project in one sitting to avoid this problem?
Arthur.S wrote on 10/9/2010, 5:55 AM
Only time I've had this problem was with audio/video captured as 'type 1' with Scenalyzer. Changing to 'Type 2' cured it. If you're using Vegas capture though, I doubt that's the problem. I'd go with the suggestion above and create a new WAV file, then replace the old audio with that. I'd also agree that an 80 hour project is asking for trouble - all your eggs in one basket an' all that.
Chienworks wrote on 10/9/2010, 10:56 AM
No, not one sitting. Take as many months as you need. I just see no reason to close the current Vegas project if i'm still working on it. Save it, leave it open, and come back to it later.